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Vanessa's POV

Today was a fast-paced morning, and I was currently attempting to get everyone ready.

Everything was...okay...ish.

We were all at the breakfast table, which was a good thing. Getting Paisley out of bed is never an easy task, but we managed to get another day completed.

Sebastian had a tiny mishap in the fact that he kind of spilled the juice in front of him everywhere.

But clean ups are easy. That was fine. Things were...things were good. They would be good soon, I hoped.

"We should go to the park today." Lin was the one to suggest.

"The park?" I questioned, causing Lin to shrug.

"Why not? You're off today, I don't go to the theatre for a few more hours. Besides, I think we could use a family day." Lin said, cutting his eyes over to the two kids.

Sebastian was still incredibly upset about the spill. He's a very clumsy little guy and seems to think that we automatically hate him whenever he makes a mess, no matter how many times we assure him that it's okay.

And then the whole situation with Paisley is just...bizarre. I'm not sure what's making her feel so distanced. But it feels weird. She doesn't really talk to us, she just kind of sits there and listens.

"Are you guys okay with that?" I asked, looking more so at Paisley. I know Seb would be okay with it, he loves the park more than anything.

It was quiet, Paisley staring down her plate, probably not knowing I was talking to her.

"Paisley?" I asked, earning the girl's attention this time.

"Oh, I'm staying home." Paisley said. I couldn't help but frown a little at that.

"Why do you want to stay home?" I asked, only causing Paisley to shrug.

"You said it was family day. I'll just wait here until you guys are done with that."

"Paisley." Lin sighed. Paisley immediately averted her eyes, looking uncomfortable. "You're included on family days too."

Paisley only shrugged though, not seeming to believe him.

What's got her feeling like that though? Why does she feel so out of place? Aren't we doing everything right?

We were fine for a while. Nothing was wrong. She seemed comfortable with us. And then it was like a switch just flipped overnight.

And I don't know how to fix it.

"Come on, the park will be fun." I tried to convince her. But as usual, she stayed quiet, just kind of keeping to herself. "I'm taking that as a yes."

She didn't say anything again, just kind of looked up at me, looking a little upset. But she would have to come anyway. We most definitely wouldn't leave her home alone, and I know she really dislikes the babysitter. Coming to the park might be her best option.

Lin helped me clean breakfast up, and after that we were on our way to the park.

It was a pretty day, a hot day too. Everyone seemed to be out enjoying the nice summer weather, there were a whole lot of people.

"Divide and conquer?" Lin suggested, scanning the benches all around. Every bench seemed to be filled up.

"But maybe if we just keep walking, we'll find one." I suggested as we continued to walk.

"I highly doubt that, we'll never find a bench. We need to split up so that..." Lin stopped mid sentence as an open bench came into view.

"What were you saying?"

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