Why Do You Have To Say Goodbye?

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Paisley's POV
this one is super super long lol i apologize in advance.

The week had gone by incredibly fast, and I was surprised that we were already at July 9th.

Today would be a day for sure, I knew there were lots of tears headed our way tonight. It would be an emotional rollercoaster.

Or...I guess not emotional, today was more about excitement. We were trying to stay excited, at least, but I knew emotions were very much bound to get in the way.

"Up, up, up. Places to be, places to go." Lin said hastily as he walked into my bedroom on Saturday morning, immediately going over to my window and pulling the shades up.

"Ouch." I groaned at the direct sunlight streaming in through my window, covering my eyes. "Why so early?"

"It's already 10:00, Paisley." Lin said like 10:00 was a reasonable time to be up.

"Again...why so early?" I groaned, Lin letting out a chuckle.

"Come on. You and I have a day ahead of us. Up, up, up." Lin said, clapping his hands as he said the words, clearly trying to get me out of bed.

"Okay, okay." I yawned, sitting up in bed. I frowned when I looked over at Lin, seeing the sad look on his face. "Are you okay?"

"This is the last morning I'll be waking you up for us to go to the Rodgers." Lin said, his eyes getting big as his lips turned down into a very prominent frown.

"Oh no. I'll miss it so much." I said dryly, Lin immediately rolling his eyes.

Of course I would miss waking up and going to the theatre. But I would not miss Lin bursting into my room loudly in the morning when I really just want to sleep in.

"Ten minutes and I'm leaving. If you're not ready, the July 9th festivities continue without you." Lin said, and I immediately gasped because how dare the July 9th festivities continue without me. "Mhm, exactly. Ten minutes."

I frowned as I watched Lin walk out of my room, shutting my door behind him. I quickly got out of bed, walking over to my closet and picking out an outfit because I really didn't want to miss out on the July 9th festivities.

I brushed my teeth and my hair, washing my face and examining my appearance in the mirror.

I looked decent, and I was ready to begin our last day.

I walked out of my bedroom, immediately greeted by Sebastian throwing blocks while Vanessa mindlessly sat at the kitchen counter.

"July 9th. Are we excited?" Vanessa asked as I approached. I smiled, nodding a little as my eyes fell on Lin who was standing by the door. He couldn't sit still, he was like a bolt of energy, and I couldn't tell if it was excitement or nerves.

But I decided not to press on it, focusing on getting my shoes on as I watched Lin pick Sebastian up.

"Goodbye, Mijo. I'll see you when the July 9th festivities are over." Lin smiled down at Sebastian. But his smile quickly dropped, and he looked so sad. "This is the last time I'm gonna say goodbye to Sebastian before I leave to perform at the Rodgers."

"Is this gonna be an all day thing?" I couldn't help but laugh a little, referring to the fact that he pointed out every tiny happening as his last time before he left Hamilton.

"I'm grieving, leave me alone." Lin groaned, and the grin didn't leave my face at all.

I watched as Vanessa stood up, coming over and saying goodbye as she hugged me. She pulled away, making her way over to Lin as she said goodbye to him, giving him a kiss.

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