The Gossip In New York City Is Insidious

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Vanessa's POV

I walked into Sebastian's room because Lin woke the little bug up.

"Hey, Seb." I cooed picking Sebastian up. Sebastian smiled.

"That's my boy!" I said, tickling him. Sebastian giggled and we walked into the kitchen. It was a little tense between Lin and Paisley, but it wasn't too tense. It was confusing. I sat down Seb at the bar and gave him his food.

"So, what's up today?" I asked Lin and Paisley. Paisley shrugged.

"Nothing exciting." She mumbled not taking her eyes off of her phone screen.

Okay then.

"Lin?" I asked, looking at him. He shrugged too.

"I don't have any shows today. I'll probably go out with Daveed or something." He said, tickling Sebastian. I laughed and hugged my two boys. Paisley looked extremely uncomfortable.

Lin grabbed his coat and left. Sebastian was on the floor watching his shows. I looked over at Paisley.

"You okay?" I asked her. She just nodded. Mhm mhm right.

"Why are you so mad with Lin?" I asked, trying to get more information out of her. Paisley put her phone down and looked at me.

"He asked me about my weight." Paisley answered plainly, her voice hinting a tiny bit of anger and annoyance.

"Woah, that's not okay."

"No, it's not. It's fine though. I honestly don't really care anymore." Paisley said, poking a banana in front of her.

"Do you wanna go do something?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Sure." I smiled.

"Alright, let's bounce." I said, slipping on a pair of shoes and leaving the apartment. I immediately walked back in.

"I'm still in my pajamas." I said, marching back to my room to get ready. Paisley sat on the couch waiting for me. Once I was ready, we left. Again, I immediately walked right back into the apartment.

"I still have a child." I said, taking out my phone and dialing the babysitter.

"Jessica?" I asked into the phone. "Can you babysit Sebastian today for...maybe two hours?"

"I'll be there in 10 minutes." Jessica said. I turned my phone off and sat on the couch next to Paisley. Sebastian was laying on the floor, entranced as he stared at his blocks.

"Seb." I called. Seb looked up at me. "Do you like Paisley?"

Sebastian only stared at me, blinking as he clearly didn't have a clue what I was saying.

"Don't worry, that means he likes you." I assured the teenager before turning back to my son. "She's going to live with us for a little bit, buddy. You guys can play together all the time!"

"Did you just volunteer me to play with your unresponsive son?" Paisley asked, seeming a little annoyed in a tone that made her words sound a little bit like an insult.

"Mhm." I said, picking Seb up and sitting the boy right on my lap, the boy instantly giggling. "How are you seriously the cutest thing I've ever seen?"

I heard Paisley grunt, seeming a little annoyed. But my words only made Sebastian smile even more, and that's my whole goal here. It was a solid five minutes later that Jessica showed up.

"Hey, Jess! Thank you so much for coming on such short notice!" I said, hugging her as I handed her my kid.

"Oh, it's no problem at all Mrs. Miranda." Jessica said, taking Sebastian from my arms. "Hey buddy!"

He squealed, wrapping his tiny arms around her. I smiled at the sight, grabbing my purse and keys, starting towards the door.

"I'll be back later. Bye!" I said, walking out of the apartment. Paisley followed me to my car and we got in.

"The city's so pretty." Paisley said, admiring what I thought of as an annoying traffic jam. I looked over at her.

"Is this your first time in the city?" I asked. She shook her head.

"I've been here plenty before. It's just...amazing." Paisley said, looking up at the enormous skyscrapers. I laughed.

"Yeah...I guess so." I agreed, turning a corner. We stopped in front of the Richard Rodgers. Paisley looked over at me, confused.

"I think Lin will want to come with us." I said. Paisley nodded, just continuing to stare at the architecture on the Broadway quarter.

"Do you want me to move to the back?" Paisley asked.

"No, you're good. We can make Lin sit in the back." I smiled at the thought of Lin cramped up in the backseat of the car, complaining about how there was no room. I pulled out my phone.

Vanessa: Hey babe ;) Was wondering if you wanted to tag along with Paisley and I today. Also, that's not a question because I'm sitting outside of the theater now. So come. Now.

L<3: Well since I have no choice. Can Daveed come?

Vanessa: I don't care hurry up though.


I turned my phone off and waited for Lin and Daveed to come out. After like five minutes they came out.

"You're five minutes late." I huffed as they got into the back. Lin chuckled.

"But you sent a winkie face! I thought I was in the clear." Lin said.

"Clearly you thought wrong." Daveed helpfully said. Lin looked over at him and sighed.

"Sometimes I wonder what's wrong with you." Daveed just smiled happily and shrugged it off.

Paisley seemed to have completely forgotten about the weight situation because Lin, Daveed, and her were all cracking jokes as if nothing ever happened.

I was trying to find a place to eat lunch. I decided to settle on some cute little diner. It's so tiny, it shouldn't be too popular.


I was very wrong. Looks can be deceiving. Turns out that diner was pretty popular in New York City, and it definitely wasn't the tiny diner I thought it was. Even better, it was crowded with Hamilton fans. My luck today is crazy...

We all sat down at a table. I think we all realized what we were getting ourselves into when there was a group of teenage girls sitting down at the table next to us, all wearing "And Peggy" shirts. Then a bunch of journalists came over to us and started asking Lin about the girl that had suddenly been spotted everywhere with us.

"Vanessa and I adopted her. I was waiting for a better time to publicly announce...but surprise?" Lin said. We all had different reactions to what he had just said.

The journalists, of course, were extremely surprised and asked Lin and Paisley both questions. I gave Lin a reassuring smile, showing him I was proud of how he addressed the situation. Paisley cringed as the words came from his lips and looked extremely uncomfortable the entire time. And Daveed, oh Daveed. I'm pretty sure he had no clue what was going on. He was asking the waiter what the cheesecake specials were and how much the value meals were.

I decided to drive back to the apartment. I payed Jess and once she left, I flopped on the couch, extremely exhausted from the day.


Hello there lovely people!
This is probably going to be my last update for this weekend. I'm headed up to New York City. I'll be back on Sunday, so I might update on Sunday. Probably Monday though.
Thanks for reading!

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