Baby Steps

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Paisley's POV

I happily laid on the couch of the girls' dressing room, watching them get ready as they belted Mariah Carey, which was angelic to hear.

"Okay, okay, I've got one. Beyoncé versus Mariah." Renée proposed, continuing the game they had been playing for a while now.

Jazzy and Phillipa both gasped, looking at Renée as if asking to choose between Beyoncé and Mariah Carey was some sort of unthinkable hate crime.

"You can't do that." Jazzy said, looking visibly upset.

Renée only shrugged. "I say Beyoncé."

"No way, Mariah." Jazzy defended. They both looked at Phillipa, who looked very upset.

"I can't pick." She sighed. The girls all turned
to me, and I shrugged.

"I don't know, they're both the best."

Renée frowned, looking back at herself in the vanity. "We'll find a tiebreaker later."

"Hey," Daveed popped his head in. "If you guys want food I think pizza's been ordered."

"Okay, awesome." Renée smiled, before quickly stopping. "Oh, wait. Beyoncé or Mariah?"

"Beyoncé. Definitely Beyoncé." Daveed said, earning a groan from Jazzy and earning a yelp of excitement from Renée. He grinned a little, turning his attention to where I was laying on the couch with my blanket.

"Hey, you've got a paisley blanket! Clever, I like it." Daveed said as he took a swig of water. I smiled, looking down at the paisley-patterned blanket that I had just gotten.

"Thanks! V and I found it at Pier 1 and-"

I didn't even get to finish my sentence, because Daveed quite literally spit his water out.

"Ew, Daveed!" Jazzy scolded, jumping up and glaring at him. Daveed ignored her glares though, glaring at me instead.

"You went there?! Why would you go there?!" He asked, seeming visibly upset. I frowned, looking over at the girls and not understanding what was happening.

"Um...because Vanessa wanted new curtiains? I'm confused..."

"She went there too?!"

"Yeah...we go there all the time." I pointed out, causing Daveed's jaw to drop. "What? What's wrong with Pier 1?"

Daveed said nothing, still just glaring at me before taking my blanket and tossing it into the girls' trash bin.

"Daveed!" I yelled, standing up to get my blanket but Daveed stopped me, blocking my path and looking calmer than earlier. "What the heck?!"

"Shh, let it happen. It's for the best." He said, not letting me pass. I felt extremely confused and a little bit frustrated, turning and looking to the girls for help.

"Just give Paisley her blanket back." Pippa sighed, standing up to try and retrieve it but Daveed shook his head, holding his arm out to block her from reaching the blanket.

"It's for the best." Daveed repeated himself. I groaned, starting to argue with Daveed. Then Renée joined, and then Jazzy, and pretty soon everyone was arguing over a blanket from Pier 1 Imports.

"Woah, woah, woah." Lin said, walking into the very loud dressing room where everyone was shouting. "What's going on?"

"Daveed threw my blanket away!" I groaned, motioning to the small bin with the blanket inside that Daveed was currently guarding.

Lin looked confused, looking over at Daveed.
"What? Why would you do that?"

"She bought it from them." Daveed said quietly, causing Lin to look even more confused, looking to me for an explanation.

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