Same Story, Different Ending

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Paisley's POV




I blinked, not sure if I was just going crazy or if this was actually real. I had no doubt the look on my face was ridiculous, and Eric looked super shocked too.

Except I didn't kill myself. He did, I know he did, I-

"Alright, so first we'll be talking about policy. Let's start with the gum. I-"

I looked at Eric one more time before turning around, facing the front of the room while Ms. Davis rambled on and on about classroom procedures.

I kept thinking about Eric. About how I first met him, and the last time I saw him, and the room at the end of the hall that we shared. Maybe I've got the wrong Eric? Ugh.

My life has become a literal fever dream.

I discreetly pulled out my phone, wanting to text someone, anyone.

Paisley: please please please pick me up

Paisley: please

Paisley: please

Paisley: please

Lin-Diesel: y tho

Paisley: i'm freaking out, i'm gonna have an anxiety attack

Lin-Diesel: :(((

Lin-Diesel: First day stressful already?

Paisley: you have no idea

Lin-Diesel: You've not even been there for half an hour kiddo lol, maybe if you wait a few more hours I can convince V

I mentally groaned because Vanessa never wants me to leave school early. The few times that I had convinced Lin to pick me up last year Vanessa was not informed of. So looks like that's a dead plan.

Paisley: pretty please

Paisley: i really need to leave, like now

"Which brings me to my next point." Ms. Davis started, glaring at me. "I have a no cell phone use policy. This is your warning, Miss Miranda."

I felt my cheeks heat up as everyone looked over at me, and I quickly pocketed my phone.


For the rest of class, I couldn't pay attention to what Ms. Davis was saying to save my life. Too much to think about, too much to think about, too much to-

My thoughts were interrupted by the school bell, indicating that first period was over. I quickly gathered my things, slinging my book bag over my shoulder and turning around to face Eric. He looked up at me, and I instantly realized that there's no way this is just a coincidence and I have the wrong Eric. He had the same hazel eyes and light brown skin, but he had aged quite a bit.

Well obviously, idiot. The last time I saw him he was thirteen. That would make him...what, sixteen? Seventeen?

When I opened my mouth to say something to him, nothing came out, and I have no doubt I looked like an absolute idiot. Not knowing what else to really say, I quickly walked out of the classroom, looking down at my schedule to see that I had Algebra II next, maybe if-

"Paisley." I heard Eric call from behind me. I turned around, standing there in the middle of the hallway while he walked over to me. "Hey, um...I know this is probably super weird and confusing. It's like that for me too, I swear. Wow, you're...right in front of me, I can't believe-"

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