S4 E12.1: Awkward Exchange

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Hazel's POV

The other students zip past me in the hallway like air bubbles escaping a fish tank. I, the fish, dodge them all with the intention of getting to my last class without a single interruption. The plan quickly goes awry the instant I see another body about to clash with me head on. I manage to stop just in time, but from this close, my voice catches in my throat as I stare at Linny.

Simultaneously, we both say, "Sorry."

Her hands readjust their grip on her books that she hugs tight to her chest, and I try to find something good to say.

"Hey," is all I manage.

She smiles back, responding, "Hey."

A moment of clinging eyes and rabbit-paced breathing, and then I speak again.

"So, um..."


"Yeah. Cool. Uh, okay."


I hesitate another second before stepping right, and she steps to her right, passing by me without any more exchange of words.


Walker's POV

The realtor explains the listing while Jonah, Austen, and I enter the living space.

"This is exactly what you're looking for. It has four bedrooms, one of which can be your music room, three bathrooms, plus a basement that you can make your art studio. The previous owners had the necessary ventilation installed."

The pale floors brighten up the large room, while golden yellow curtains tint the sunlight shining in. Austen immediately flocks to the bouncy blue sofa, petting the fluffy pillows atop it. Then she notices another showpiece across the living room.

"Horsey!" she blurts and runs over to climb on the rocking horse.

"It sounds perfect," I say to Jonah.

"But it's so far away from our friends," he mentions.

"Neighhh!" our daughter hollers in the background.

"Well, when you suggested we move, that was inevitable," I remind my husband.

He frowns and mutters, "I guess."

"Take a look around, and let me know if you have any questions," Surge the realtor says.


Hazel's POV

My head lands heavy on my pillow, and I let out a sigh like a chinook wind.

"Explain the situation to me again," Darius requests.

He sits on my spinny desk chair with on leg up. Meanwhile, Fatima is perched gracefully on the end of my bed, and Aimée is sprawled out on the floor, attempting to crack a four-year-old glow stick again.

"I kissed her," I state.

"Sounds gay," Aimée remarks.

"Isn't she pan?" Darius mumbles.

"She wanted to kiss me," I go on.

"You're right," Darius comments to Aimée. "Very gay."

"And I drove her home, and she didn't say much, and I was too broken to say anything useful, and we didn't say what we were now, and I still don't know, because every time I see her, I get all..."

Aimée raises her eyebrows. "Gay?"

"Exactly what I was gonna say," Darius chimes in.

"Great minds think alike," Aimée responds.

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