S3 E1.3: Read Into It

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Andi's POV

The seven of us sit at a table in the food court, finishing the last bites and sips of our fries and sodapops, but while we've all moved on, Jonah is still thinking about his mistake.

"I don't get how I used so much data," he says.

TJ bites a fry and replies, "It's not the end of the world."

"But I'm not even on my phone most of the time," he says. "I give it to Austen to play with."

That turns our attention to the baby in the high chair fiddling with Jonah's cell phone and putting it in her mouth.

"You give a baby a phone?" Cyrus says.

"She likes to touch it," Jonah says. He holds a second before adding, "And eat it."

Curious, Walker leans over and steals the phone from his daughter's mouth, which makes her cry for a second before Jonah gives her a napkin instead to keep her busy, which she immediately starts waving around.

"I cracked the puzzle," Walker says.

He turns the phone screen to us, showing us the homepage of a website for some blog on how to teach your cat the alphabet. That's not the point. The point is that it's the internet. Austen's been accidentally surfing the web whenever Jonah gives her his phone.

All at once, we have the epiphany, sounding, "Ohhhhhhh."


Jayda's POV

Hazel and I walk side by side up the path to Andreas's house, and surprisingly, I feel nothing. Not scared or excited. I'm just normal. After spending the summer without him, I think seeing Andreas again was made into a much bigger deal in my head than it actually is. Honestly, I probably convinced myself I have feelings for him when I really don't, just because I've had no way to disprove it. This isn't anything special. I'm just seeing a friend again. 

"I'm starting to think maybe I thought too much into this," I say.

"How so?" Hazel asks.

"Well, I'm not, like, awkward or nervous, and if I liked him, wouldn't I be awkward and nervous?"

"I would like to point out to you that you have the tendency to procrastinate things until they become a problem, at which point you then get really worked up all at once."

"I'm seeing my friend, not taking a test," I state. "This is totally different."

Sarcastically, she echoes, "Totally."

We ascend the steps, and I press the doorbell. See, nothing. I'm totally fine. The door is opening, and I'm—

Shit. I like him. It's his stupid, brown eyes and his crooked smile, and the way he looks at me first before anything else. And now my body is getting all spirally, my heart is way too loud, and not a single word makes it out of my mouth. Like, am I about to have a stroke?

"Hey," Andreas says. "I just got back an hour ago."

I want to respond, but literally nothing is working. It's some chemical reaction of the shock and nerves that results in speechlessness. Hazel nudges me after a second, and it helps get one word out of me, but it doesn't make sense.

"Yeah," I say.

Andreas just furrows his brows at me and smiles a little, unsure what's going on with me, which is valid, because I also have no idea.

"Awkward and nervous," Hazel utters, "check."

"What's wrong with her?" Andreas asks Hazel, gesturing to me.

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