S1 E11.3: Neon Potato

486 22 159

Amber's POV

When we finish the workout, Andi and I immediately go to grab water. We are significantly more drained from the exercise than Hazel or Andi's parents are. They act like this is nothing, like all they did was walk to the mailbox.

"My thighs are burning," I pout.

Hazel lets out a laugh. "Weak."

She and Bowie share a high five, and I just ignore them, chugging back my water.

"Amber," Bex says, coming up to me, "how is your makeup still in tact?"

"Oh, everything's water and smudge proof."

"Wow, and it's really good," she adds, examining my face. "Do you ever do bolder makeup looks, like not just the basic day look?"

"She does for me on special occasions," Hazel replies. "She's really good."

"Yeah," Bex agrees. "Hey, if you're looking for a job, I could use some help at Cloud 10. It's been busy since Cece retired."

"Really?" I respond.

I've never actually thought about doing anything related to cosmetology, but this seems like a cool thing to try out, even if it doesn't last long. Plus, Bex seems like she'd be a cool boss. I mean, currently, she still likes me, so as long as I don't do something stupid to ruin that, it'll be good.

"Yeah. I know you probably won't want to do that permanently, but until you find something else, it'd be great to have the help."

"Yeah, sure. I'd love to."

"Hey, guys," Bowie speaks out, pulling everyone's attention his way, "you see that too, right?"

Out the window is a line of ducks making their way down the street, and behind them are Walker and Jonah blocking the backed-up string of cars. Andi and I head for the front door, and our whole family gathers out on the porch to get a better view of the sight. When Jonah and Walker see us, they give us nothing more than smiles and waves.

"What's with the ducks?" Hazel calls out.

"They're travelling," Jonah replies. "We're stopping traffic to make sure they're not run over."

A car honks, startling both Jonah and the ducks which halt and look around for a moment before continuing forward, and our two friends remain trailing close behind the feathery creatures.


Jayda's POV

Eddie dances with me to the beat of the music until the speakers fall silent, and another song starts up.

"I love this song," I comment.

He just shrugs. "It's okay."

Ignoring his apathy, I keep dancing, and he shuffles back and forth, but his mind is preoccupied. Suddenly, he lights up as his friend comes barging in between us, giving him a bro hug.

"Dude, we're gonna dip," he says.

"Where?" Eddie asks.


"Yo, I'm right with you."

I watch my date start walking with his friend before I think to say, "You're leaving?"

"Yeah," Eddie replies carelessly. "This dance is lame."

"So you're just ditching me?"

"Well, you can come with."

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