S3 E10.1: Brotherhood

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Marty's POV

"You ready to go?" I call.

"Yup," Buffy replies. "Just let me grab my purse."

While she finds that in the mudroom, I make a quick stop by the kitchen to grab my sunglasses from the fridge. Once I get to the back door, Buffy's pulling herself up onto her feet after putting on her shoes.

"Change of plans," she says. "We're going to the hospital."

"Are you okay?" I question.

"My water just broke."

I react instantly, rushing down the hallway to shout to the rest of the house, "Kids! Your mom's going into labour!"

My eldest comes into the kitchen, saying, "Now? I'm in the middle of a show."

"Right, well, I'll just pause 'till you're done!" Buffy growls sarcastically.

"Damn," Andreas mumbles. "Wish you could do that."

"I'm taking your mom to the hospital," I explain to him. "Can you drive your siblings and meet us there?"

"Sure thing."


Marty's POV


Buffy yells while squeezing my hand like she's trying to break it in half. My skin turns white from the pressure, and I can feel my pulse throbbing in my fingers. My wife lies in the hospital bed, focusing on her breathing while her contractions continue, and we count the minutes between each one.

"My hand is gonna be bruised by the time this baby is delivered," I comment.

"If my uterus can handle it, so can your hand," she retorts.

"Your contractions are still pretty far apart," the nurse in the room says, "so it's likely going to be a while."

"Oh, awesome," Buffy breathes, annoyed.

The nurse gives her a smile before leaving the room to tend to other patients.

"I'm glad everyone's here," Buffy tells me as she relaxes her grip on my hand a bit. "Our baby will get to meet their whole family."

Our family is waiting in a sitting area just down the hall. Too many people in here would've made it a lot more stressful I think, and harder for the doctors to do their jobs.

"That's a lot of crazy in a room this small," I say, which makes Buffy laugh. "They'll get used to it," I add. "I bet they'll be strong and smart like you."

"I love you," Buffy says gently.

"I love you more."

Amber's POV

Fake flowers sit in the centre of the coffee table, probably because real ones could irritate allergies. The chairs aren't the most comfy, but there's at least a thin cushion. Everyone sits on them, including my family, TJ's, Jonah's, and Buffy's kids, except Austen sits on Jonah's lap, mindlessly playing with a coat hanger that they stole from Buffy's hospital room. The atmosphere is anxious but excited as everyone waits for the baby to come. It reminds me of when I was here for this same reason almost 16 years ago, except I'm not quite as panicked as I was then.

"I'm getting flashbacks to when you were in labour," I say.

"I just remember puking a lot," Andi responds dully.

"I'm hungry," Wyatt blurts, which makes Hazel look at him in astonishment.

"What about that story made you hungry?" she questions.

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