S3 E9.1: Friends With Girlfriends

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Amber's POV

I open the door to see Bex and Bowie smiling on the porch.

"Hey!" Bowie says.

In his arms, he holds a leafy plant in a pot, which he carries with him into my house. Andi looks over curiously as her parents remove their shoes.

"What's with the plant? Andi asks.

"He's adding more to our living room," Bex explains.

"I saw this bad boy at the garden centre while David Bowie was playing, and if that isn't the universe trying to talk to me, then I don't know what is," Bowie says.

"It's beautiful," I compliment. "What kind is it?"

That's when Andi steps up close to my ear and whispers, "Be careful."

I furrow my brows at her, but she doesn't explain herself.

"A maidenhair fern," Bowie answers.

"The leaves are cool," I say.

"Yeah, it would look great right next to the TV," Bowie says.

He brings the plant over and sets it down on the television cabinet to show me the visual of what it will look like in his home. Andi and Bex both migrate toward each other, looking, worried, but I'm still not sure why.

"Definitely," I agree, nodding to Bowie.


"Yeah." I smile. "Are you getting more too?"

He lights up, replying, "I can. Give me twenty minutes. I'll be back with more, and we can make your living room feel more outside than the actual outside."

"Our living room?" I respond, suddenly understanding why Andi told me to be careful.

"Bex, you coming?" Bowie asks.

"Yes, yup. Just one minute."

Bowie happily rushes to put on his shoes and leaves for his car again, while Bex stays behind to talk to Andi and me.

"What just happened?" I question, confused about how I agreed to have Bowie decorate my house with plants.

"I told you to be careful," Andi mutters.

"I'll try to make sure he doesn't pick any small trees for you," Bex says.


Wyatt's POV

I'm in the middle of pulling my hoodie on when I get a phone call from my friend, Cody. WIth one arm still wiggling to get into my hoodie sleeve, I use my free hand to press answer and put the phone on speaker on my dresser.

"I'm leaving now," I say. "I have the glue. Does Jake have the duct tape?"

"No," Cody replies. "Actually, Jake's going out with Lizzie instead."

I yank my hoodie over my head the rest of the way, wiping a frown onto my face as I respond, "What? Why would he do that? We made these plans, like, a week ago."

"Yeah, but she asked Jake to go to the zoo with her, so, you know, he couldn't say no."

"Why not?"

"He likes her."

"He likes us, doesn't he?"

"Not in the same way."

"I don't get him," I huff in annoyance. "At least we're still hanging out."

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