S2 E11.2: All Hail

293 22 86

Wyatt's POV

I push the lever on the remote control, making the helicopter rise up high, almost hitting the ceiling, but I'm good enough at this to keep it from actually touching. Cara's beside me, sitting on my bed, watching me fly the toy around my bedroom. She tried to touch the remote earlier, but there's no way I'm letting her fly this. It took me way too long to learn it myself. It probably would've taken less time if I had read the instructions, but instructions are annoying. I get enough people telling me what to do all day at school. I don't need a piece of paper to do that at home.

"Do your dads know you have this?" Cara wonders.

I shake my head. "I traded so many Snickers bars for this. I'm not telling them, 'cause they'll tell me not to fly it inside."

Okay, it's definitely not my fault, but somehow the helicopter hits the bookshelf and plummets to the ground like a fighter jet being shot out of the sky. It looks really cool, but I hope it's not broken, because I'm out of Halloween candy.

Cara gets up and runs over to the wall where the helicopter landed by an air vent. She lifts it up and looks it over.

"It's okay," she tells me with a smile. "Let's go again!"

She's about to run back over to me, but she pauses, listening to some murmuring coming out of the air vent. It's the one that's connected to the basement. If people scream loud enough down there, I can usually hear them. I guess Cara can hear someone too, and giving it a listen myself, I realize it's Auntie Buffy and Uncle Marty.

"It's not going to work," comes Auntie Buffy's voice.

"It can work," Uncle Marty fights.

"No. It's broken and can't be fixed. I need something new."

All of a sudden, the helicopter propellors start spinning in Cara's hands, and she screams dropping it as I notice my hand pressing on a button on the remote, and I let it go.

"Sorry," I say, but she doesn't care.

"What do you think they were talking about?" she questions.

I shrug and say the first thought in my head. "It sounded a lot like what my friend said his parents were saying before they got divorced."

"Divorced?" Cara responds in shock. "Like breaking up?"

"Yeah, but with more paperwork. My dads wouldn't do that, though. I said the word once, and they got all sad and were like that for hours."

Cara's scared look turns to determination as she says, "I have to stop this, and you're going to help me."


"Not cool," she states. "Serious."

"Seriously cool."

She glares at me, shaking her head, but I don't know what's even going on.


Jayda's POV

"Okay," I breathe, "we've been on your pre-school years for forever, and I hate to tell you this, but I don't think my English teacher cares about your struggle catching slugs in your backyard."

"Epic struggle catching slugs," Andreas corrects me. "Make sure you say epic."

He grins, proud of his annoyingness, and I roll my eyes.

"I should've picked someone else," I say.

"Nobody else would be this interesting."

I laugh, replying, "That might be a good thing. My paper's gonna end up being, like, thirty pages."

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