S1 E3.1: Glow Girl

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Walker's POV

Knock. Knock.

"I got it," Jonah says.

He gets up from where we are watching television on the couch and opens the door with his classic smile. The man on the other side wears a green polo shirt with a logo on it for a brand called Ultra-Suck, and he holds a clipboard as he looks up at my husband.

"Hi, sir," the man says. "Can I take a minute of your time to tell you about our new Ultra-Suck Ultimate Vacuum?"

This is when I'd say no and bid him farewell, but of course Jonah does the exact opposite. He stands for the entire speech, and when he's asked if he wants to buy the product, he says yes. Jonah has a problem with turning salespeople away. He always has. Any time someone comes up to the door or a telemarketer calls, it's a guarantee that we'll end up with some random item to throw in the basement. Currently, we're subscribed to more magazines than I can remember and they all end up in a donation bin as soon as they arrive.

Jonah helps the man carry the long box into the house. As soon as Jonah thanks him and closes the door, I look at him in judgement.

"Jonah, we don't need a vacuum," I remind him.

"I know," he says, looking sorry, "but that guy probably got turned down so many times today, and I just didn't want to be mean."

"You can't keep buying whatever people try to sell to you. All the stuff just sits in our basement."

"Well, maybe in twenty years they'll have gone up in value, and we can sell it online."

"Because that mop-broom two-in-one thing will go up in value," I respond sarcastically. "What about that time you agreed to try that free sample at Costco and ended up in the hospital because of your nut allergy?"

"I couldn't say no," he whines. "She looked so eager for me to try it."

"My point is," I say, "you've got to stop saying yes to useless stuff."

"None of it is useless," he argues.

"Then prove it," I challenge. "Start using all the stuff, from the Ultra-Sucky Vacuum to the piles of magazines and weird kitchen tools that nobody needs."

"Fine," Jonah responds. "I'll use them."

I was hoping he'd just agree to stop buying everything that's offered to him, but I suppose he'll come to that conclusion eventually this way too. It shouldn't be long before he realizes that all the junk he's purchased is a waste.


Amber's POV

I can hear the laughing from the kitchen. It seeps through Hazel's bedroom walls, making me think our house must be made of paper. She and her friend, Camille, fight with Andi's blender for loudest in the house, but they still manage to win. The chatter dies by the time Andi's pouring her smoothie into a cup, and soon the two girls come past with cheery smiles, still giggling a little as they head toward the front door. When Camille opens the door to go, she pauses for another second to face Hazel who's eyes stick to her like tape.

"Thanks for the nail polish," Hazel says.

"Thanks for the lip gloss," Camille responds.

"No problem. It looks better on you anyway."

Both girls smile for a moment before Camille turns around and leaves, saying, "I'll see you at school. Good luck on your test tomorrow."

"You too."

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