S4 E3.2: Colleges and Collages

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Andi's POV

In the back of Red Rooster Records, past an office for my dad, there's a stock room filled with shelves of boxes, which today is doubling as an art studio. I begin unloading all my paint tubes onto a table, during which the door opens, and I look back to see Walker coming in. 

"Hey," he says. "I'm here to join you."

"Oh, hey! You're painting guitars with me?"

"Jonah mentioned you were doing this, and I figured I wouldn't let you do it alone."

As he gets to the table and starts browsing through the paint colours, my dad suddenly enters too, carrying an acoustic guitar. 

"Okay, I've got the finish off this one," he says as he lays it on the table in front of me and Walker.  "Now, I'm thinking a tranquil image, like blues of the water, but not the intensity of the waves. More like...the whole serenity of the universe."

I nod, pretending any of that makes sense. Then I suggest instead, "How about flowers?"

"I guess I'm not paying you for this," my dad replies, "so okay."


Wyatt's POV

My dads told me last time that I'm not allowed to play video games while working on my group project anymore, since it's rude or whatever, so Hiral and I are in the dining room today. I sit at the end of the table, and for some reason she sits in the chair immediately adjacent to mine, despite having four other options, three of which would give her more space. My dads are at the round table in the kitchen. It's far enough away to not be annoying, but it still feels like they're spying on me. 

"Okay, I brought some fun-patterned paper to make a pretty boarder on the poster," Hiral says. She pulls out a sack of colourful pages and places them next to the poster-board on the table. Next, she takes out a pencil case and some glittery rectangle sheets, saying, "I also have markers and stickers." Then a bag of rainbow feathers. "I brought feathers too, which was more of an afterthought, 'cause I wasn't sure if you liked them or not, but if you did like them, I didn't want to not have them, so I have feathers. And here are some cute buttons." She drops those on the table too. "I'm not sure what we'd do with them, but just in case, you know. Um, also glitter." The little tube sheds shimmer as it lands on the wood. 

"Cool," I say, mostly just to get her to stop pulling out stuff from her bag like it's the bag of the grandma from Halloweentown

She takes that as a compliment, smiling as she responds, "Thanks."

All of a sudden, the fridge rattles as my sister whips it open and fights with the tight shelf to get the orange juice jug out, making everything shake as she wins and slams in on the counter. Hiral gives me a worried look, but I shake my head. 

"That's just my sister," I tell her. 

"Honey, are you okay?" Daddy calls out to her from the kitchen table. 

"What? Yeah. I'm great. God! Get off my back!"

She slams the fridge shut and leans on the island while chugging the orange juice. 

"Anyway," Hiral says, getting back to business, "which paper do you like?"

"I like the plaid," I say, pointing to the red and black sheet. "It looks kinda like your hair bow."

She smiles at that, her eyes fluttering downward as she fiddles with her hair. "You like my headband?"

"Yeah, sure, I guess. It reminds me of a lumberjack."

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