S2 E1.2: Cycle of Life

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Andi's POV

After rooting through nearly every one of my cabinets and trunks in my studio, I finally find the dress shoved to the back of the last cupboard, behind several balls of string. I pull it out and find out that the damage is worse than I remember. Every colour of paint covers the whole thing entirely, leaving not a single speck of black.

"What are you doing?"

I spin around to see Hazel coming in with her eyes curiously on the dress in my hands. I quickly shove it behind my back as I turn to her.


"You know that saying 'nothing' doesn't make it true right?"

I sigh. "Okay, fine. I, uh, did something by accident a month ago."

Slowly, I bring the dress out from behind my back into Hazel's view, and her mouth drops into a shocked but amused look.

"Oh my God. Is that Mom's dress?"

"Yes. I was going to get it cleaned, but I kinda forgot about it, and now there's no time, because she's looking for it right now."

My daughter takes a step forward, calmly saying, "Okay, first of all, take a deep breath."

I do as told, but I'm still just as nervous.

"That did nothing," I state.

"Yeah, but it's something people say when other people are stressed."

"I need to get this paint out of this dress before your mom gets back upstairs!" I say, my voice on the edge of freaking out.

"Well, first thing's first."

She walks out of the studio, and I step forward enough to see her go across the hall to press the doorknob on the basement door inward and turn it, effectively locking it.

"Cool," she says as she reenters the studio. "Now time is irrelevant."


Buffy's POV

"Hello," I say as I descend the stairs into the basement, "can I get your attention for one minute?"

All three of my kids look away from their current business. Andreas pauses his video game, Brayden marks the page of his book, and Cara drops her legos on the carpet.

"I'm gonna need you all to cancel whatever plans you had for this afternoon," I state.

"What?" Andreas reacts. "I had a date with Oceana."

"I had a beheading for a Barbie bourgeoisie!" Cara joins in.

"Unlike my egotistical siblings, I don't have plans and would be happy to do whatever you need," Brayden says.

"Unlike my lame brother," Andreas snipes back, "I have a girlfriend."

"You're not striking the nerve you think you are," Brayden mumbles.

Andreas just got back from camp, which he spent most of the summer working as a counsellor at. Although I missed him, I didnt miss the fighting between him and his brother which is back at full force since he returned a few days ago. When Andreas got back, he also had a girlfriend that I didn't find out about until she showed up at our house yesterday.

"Fine. You can bring Oceana," I say.

"I don't even know what we're doing," Andreas counters.

"We're going to a memorial."

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