S2 E4.3: 40

411 20 150

Jonah's POV

With my eyes open, the room is now empty, save for the stuffed deerctopus on the carpet. There's nothing but blank walls and a window with blinds that let the sunlight of the evening shine through. But with my eyes closed, there's a shelf of children's books and picture frames. There are baby clothes on the ground that I likely tossed there and forgot to put away. There's a crib and a nightlight that radiates a faint glow over the shadow of night. There's so much that this little room can be.

I have my arm around Walker's shoulder while his holds my waist, and we gaze around at the emptiness with smiles powered by hopeful thoughts and wishes.

"You were right about this room," I say. "It's gonna make a good bedroom."

"Do you think we cleaned it out too early?" Walker asks after another moment. "I mean, we haven't even been matched with a baby yet."

"Definitely," I reply, "but we're gonna get a baby, right?"

A pointless question, because he doesn't know the answer any more than I do. But I always believe him, so hearing him say it gives me more faith.

"Yeah," he utters softly. "We have to."


Hazel's POV

Both siblings look bored as they sit at the table, Jayda on her phone and Wyatt with his chin on his arms on the table.

"Okay, what card is it this time?" I ask

I hold the card downward to keep either of them from seeing it

"Four of clubs," Wyatt answers.

I shake my head. "No. It's—" I lift the card up again to see that it actually is the four of clubs, but I swear it was the eight of diamonds before. "Wait. Where's the—?"

Wyatt brings his hand up from under his chin, holding up the eight of diamonds I'd somehow lost. I'm in complete shock, but Wyatt is so casual as he explains himself.

"I'm a magician now."

While I'm still trying to figure out how he did that, Uncle Cyrus gets home from work and comes into the kitchen. When he sees us, he gives us a smile.

"Hi. Uh, what's going on here?"

"Your kids are challenging everything I know about how the human brain works," I reply.

"Strangely enough, you're not the first person to say that," Cyrus says, "although the rest were all teachers."

"She's shook because we're psychic," Jayda says, pulling her eyes up from her phone for another brief second.

"You're not psychic," Cyrus denies.

"Then explain how I know that you're buying me a car for my birthday," Jayda says.

"That's not happening."

"Well, damn."

"Hazel," Wyatt speaks up, "some things are just meant to stay mysteries."

"Psychological discoveries don't get discovered by letting mysteries stay mysteries," I reply.

"No," Jayda rejoinders, "but Buzzfeed Unsolved is doing pretty well."

"Me and my sister have a special talent," Wyatt goes on, "and you just don't. Now, I'm gonna go poop."

He stands up and saunters out of the dining room. Uncle Cyrus watches for a moment with a concerned face before sighing and carrying on with his business, heading into the basement. Now it's just me and Jayda, and she looks ready to move on too as she lowers her phone and leans forward on her elbows, sighing.

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