S3 E8.2: Endings and Beginnings

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A/N: Please don't listen to the song until it plays in the book.

Andreas's POV

"Oh my gosh!" comes the sound of Hazel's voice in the otherwise empty stairwell. "You two need to calm down."

Jayda and I stop making out as she comes around the back of the stairs to interrupt us.

"How did you know we were here?" Jayda questions.

"I could hear you," she states with raised brows. "Give it a rest."

"Hey, you were the one trying to get us together," I remind her.

"If I knew it's make me feel this freaking single, I wouldn't have done it," Hazel huffs.

Jayda rolls her eyes, which I always find cute, and I let my hand graze her waist again. She figures out what I want in a second and comes back to me, kissing me again as Hazel steps toward the doors.

"Gross," she says as she leaves.

The door swings closed, leaving us alone again, at which point Jayda quits being restrained and tugs me tighter against her, letting our friction spark a flame between us. The door squeaks again, but we don't stop—that is until the person speaks.


Jayda lets me go in an instant, her face burning red when she opens her eyes and sees her dad staring at us in shock, his eyes wider than the pacific. She's mortified, while I'm just kinda awkward. Like, damn, he really couldn't have just gone up the stairs and not chosen to come around to the backside? Everybody knows things happen under the stairs that you're just supposed to pretend aren't happening. That's what the side stairwells are for.

Jayda immediately searches for an excuse, saying, "Look at that. I'm late for—I don't know—band or something stupid."

She rushes past Cyrus, avoiding eye contact, and when she's gone, Cyrus looks over at me again, still too speechless to talk.

I swing my hands together, saying, "Cool. Uh, I have kazoo club."

Then I hurry out the same doors.



In my peripheral vision, I spot Cyrus coming into the kitchen after just getting home.

I ask, "Hey, how was your day?"

As soon as I look at him straight on, I see how blank his face is, eyes open like a deer in the road.

"I saw something," he says.

"What did you see?"

He looks way too rattled for it to be anything good, so I try to prepare myself for an avalanche.

"Jayda and Andreas..."

"What happened with them? Were they doing something illegal?"

"No," he replies. "Why is that your first guess?"


"No, it wasn't illegal," he assures me. "But they were doing something."

"Okay. What were they doing?" I ask, running out of ideas. "Fighting?"

Cyrus hesitates before answering, "With their tongues."

My mouth drops as I realize what that means. No wonder Cyrus is so stuck in shock.

"Oh, damn," I react. "Wait, they..."

Cyrus nods. "I don't know why she didn't tell us. I mean, it's completely unexpected, and he's close enough to be our nephew—"

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