S3 E1.2: Read Into It

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Amber's POV

"Okay, we're next in line," I say. "Who's gonna do the talking?"

As soon as I turn to look at all my friends, they're looking right back at me. Then the employee finishes with the person ahead, and it's our turn to go up.

"Wow. Thanks, guys," I mumble. I step up to the counter and begin talking in a controlled yet kind way. "Hi, so we have a family plan, and our bill ended up extremely high last month. Higher than it should've been."

"Look, ma'am," the young adult with a full beard and backwards hat says, "I get it. None of us like to admit we go on the internet that much, but the facts remain the facts. One of you guys probably takes the bus every day and reads fanfiction for overrated drama shows, and if you didn't download the story first, that really kills your wallet. Unfortunately, I can't change that. All I can do is recommend that you change your lifestyle."

"Um, no," I shut him down. "It was a mistake by your company, and we want our money back."

"Dudette," he drones, "I swear on my grandma's reincarnated eagle body that we did not get it wrong."

"Show me the proof."


Hazel's POV

I finish scribbling the table onto the notepad, creating a column for likes and one for dislikes. Jayda just watches me write, not saying a thing until I look up at her.

"Let's start with what you dislike about him," I say.

"This is kinda extra," she criticizes.

"Because your idea was better?"

"I didn't have an idea."

I smile. "So we're on the same page. What do you dislike about Andreas?"

Jayda takes a moment to think before answering, and I get my pen ready on the paper.

"Um, well, he wears way too much cologne."

I draw a bullet point and write that first response down, but then Jayda keeps talking.

"I always tell him that," she says with a shake of her head, "and then he gives me this stupid smile and insists I like it."

By the end of her sentence, she's smiling wide to herself. I bring my pen back to the dislike section and cross the first point off the list.

"He likes to make fun of me sometimes," Jayda says next.

Okay, this one is definitely a dislike. I write it down.

"Which is totally annoying," Jayda states, "because I'm perfect, and I get mad at him, but I can never stay mad, because he always says something insanely adorable after, and it's so annoying."

Her grin is back, so I scribble that one out too.

"Okay," I sigh. "Things you like?"

This can't be hard. She's already accidentally said two things she liked about him when she was trying to say what she didn't like.

"Um, I don't know," she responds.

"You seem to know," I counter.

"I guess he's kinda nice, and sweet. And he pretends to be all cool and stuff, but he's such a dork, but in, like, a cute way. And he always looks at me all weird, like I'm the only thing in the room." She rolls her eyes and lets out a breath as she smiles then looks down at her twiddling thumbs. "And he kinda always knows what to say. Like, he literally always makes me feel better, and then he acts like he doesn't care about anything, but he does." Although it's clear she's trying to repress it, she can't control her smile. "God, he's such a dork."

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