S1 E13.1: Father's Day

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The first thing I see when I wake up is the glow of white sun stripes shining through the blinds onto the bed covers, directly followed by my husband's soft smile beside me. His hair is a mess from his pillow, dark curls sticking out in random directions, and he has his glasses on, something I only ever get to see in the morning before he puts in his contacts, and at night when he takes them out. His vision is worse than mine, so I'm still able to make out all the important shapes of him, like his eyes and his lips, without my own glasses.

"Happy Father's Day," he whispers.

"Happy Father's Day to you too."

I give him a smile before rolling out of bed and standing up to open the blinds fully, letting in a wave of light that shocks my body awake as I grab my glasses. Cyrus sits up in bed, watching me while I find my pyjamas in the dresser and slide them on.

"Any guesses on what the kids are doing for us today?" Cyrus wonders.

"Well, last year's zucchini origami from Wyatt will be hard to top," I reply with a chuckle.

"I hope he does something different than that, because I need that zucchini for a cupcake recipe."

A knock on the door pulls our eyes toward it and raises our hopes, shown through our brightening smiles.

"Yes?" I say.

The door swings open just enough for Jayda to stick her head in and say, "Dads, can you get the laundry started? I'm going to a party later, and I need my dress washed by then."

The door closes, slapping our grins down, and I look back at Cyrus, disappointed.

"Well, Jayda's never been good with remembering the date," Cyrus reasons, although I can see that he's a little glum about it, "but I'm sure she'll figure it out."

"I don't know," I mutter. "She thought it was Saturday until Thursday last week."


Cyrus's POV

Wyatt's RC swerves on the hardwood, scraping rubber marks into the floor. TJ and I step down the stairs and take a second to watch the toy car zoom back toward the kitchen where Wyatt is hidden out of sight, behind wall at the back of the staircase.

"Great," I mumble. "The RC is back."

When we enter the kitchen, Wyatt is at the table making the car do doughnuts on the floor, while Jayda is sitting across from him, doing something on her phone.

"Good morning," I greet.

"Morning," they both mutter.

"Nice day, huh?" TJ says.

Jayda glances out the window then back to her phone, responding, "It was sunnier earlier."

TJ's eyes catch mine as we both share the same dreary thought: they don't remember, or if they do, they don't care. I suppose it's selfish of me to expect anything special, but I'm just not used to this. Last year they remembered, because Amber and Andi made sure they did. They must've stepped back this year since the kids are now older, but they might've stopped helping them a bit too early. Of course, I can't say anything about it. Getting anything on Father's Day is a privilege, so me reminding them would be like going up to someone and telling them to wish you a happy birthday. It's just a little needy, and yes, I've been called needy, but I try not to be that way with my kids.

Jayda opens her mouth to speak again, and I feel myself spark up, thinking it's going to be for me, but then she immediately looks to Wyatt instead and says, "Hey, Wyatt, if you want my help, you need to come upstairs now, or you're not getting it."

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