S3 E14.3: Wyatt's Snowstorm

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Hazel's POV

The felt tip glides to a point, completing the wing of my eyeliner. After closing the cap on the pen, I lean close to the mirror, comparing both eyes to make sure they look even. Once I've deemed it good enough, I become aware of my cell phone ringing, and I go to answer the video call. Fatima's face pops up on the screen.

"How did you know I just finished my makeup?" I ask.

"Best friend intuition? Now step back and show me."

She grins eagerly while I prop my phone up on my dresser and back up to reveal the whole ensemble. Besides my makeup, I have a lacy, blue bow pinned in my hair, matching my  blue skirt, which I've tucked an ivory blouse into.

"That outfit is gorgeous!" she fawns.

"Thanks. Jayda picked it out."

Background noise hums through on Fatima's end of the call as her younger brother pokes his head into her room.

"Dinner! Come on!" she shouts.

"Okay, okay," Fatima says, shooing him away. She looks at me again, saying, "I've got to go, but have a good date."

"Thanks," I respond.

Fatima hangs up, and I return to my mirror to check myself over one more time. I don't want there to be anything wrong when Sarah arrives, so I pay extra attention to every ball of lint and the direction of each wrinkle in my top. Once pleased, I check my phone again, thinking she must be here by now, but there are no messages. But it's time: six o'clock on the dot. She must just be running behind. She's always just barely on time anyway.

I let out a breath and sit down on the edge of my bed to wait.


Buffy's POV

"You almost decided?" Walker asks Jonah.

"Uh, just five more minutes."

Walker and Marty both share a groan, but Jonah keeps on flipping between the burger section and the ribs section on the menu, and Austen keeps herself entertained with a stuffed bunny toy. Meanwhile, I'm still busy nursing Declan. This is me and Marty's first time out together for dinner since Declan was born, and unfortunately we didn't do a good job at predicting his feeding schedule. I don't mind, though, but based on the murmuring I'm overhearing from a random man at a table nearby, I think he does. Something must be wrong with his neck, since he can't seem to look away and mind his own business. I try to ignore it, but that becomes hard when a waiter approaches our table, and addresses me.

"Excuse me, ma'am," he says, "but some of the other guests have expressed discomfort with you doing that here."

"Feeding my baby?" I scoff.

He looks apologetic, and a bit clueless, but I'm still annoyed by the ignorance.

"We have a bathroom you could—"

I cut him off right there, repeating, "A bathroom? Would you like to eat in a bathroom?"

Before he can respond, another woman from the booth next to mine stands up and starts defending me.

"She's not bothering anyone," she states to the waiter.

I smile at her, feeling honoured to have a supporter, and honestly surprised by her boldness. But the man who's been giving me a stink eye decides to chime in.

"It's inappropriate!" he barks.

"What's inappropriate is that you sexualize a part of a woman that's made solely for feeding her children," the lady combats. "There's nothing inappropriate about what she's doing, and I'm sure the readers of my newspaper will agree with me."

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