S3 E5.1: Pink Town

258 21 59

Andreas's POV

My parents make their breakfast at the island, while I eat the leftover buttered chicken from last night. compared to regular breakfast foods, this is better, and I don't really get why breakfast has to be just cereal or toast. Like, I'd much rather start my day off with this.

"Dad," Brayden says, marching into the kitchen, "what are you plans for the day?"

"Uh, going to work," Dad replies before taking a sip of juice.

Brayden looks to our mom instead, and she answers, "Also work."

"That makes my life severely more difficult," Brayden huffs.

"We make money to pay for you," Dad notes. "That makes it difficult?"

"Indirectly, yes, because that means you can't drive me where I need to go."

"Where would you be going anyway?" I question. "Don't you usually hide in our room all day?"

"I have an errand to run," he responds.

"You could take the bus," Dad suggests.

"I would, except that it's in Didsbury."

"That town an hour away?" I say in surprise. "Why are you going there?"

"I'm not, because I can't get there."

"What were you planning to get?" Mom asks.

"A book," he answers. "But it's irrelevant now, since I can't get it."

"You can't buy it online?" I say.

"It's an original print from the forties," Brayden explains. "The store has a copy, but it's only available in person."

"Well, sorry, bud," Dad says.

"Your apology has negligent effect on the outcome of my emotions," Brayden sighs.

He plops down onto the seat across from me at the table, putting his head in his hand. I don't really understand Brayden most of the time, especially not now. Like, I don't know why anyone would care about driving an hour out of town just for a book, but apparently it means a lot to him. Normally, I would just let him be weepy, but it's too early in the morning to be looking at his glumness. It's kinda annoying actually, and that's what gets me to make my next offer.

"Uh, me and Jayda were going to go somewhere. Don't know where yet, 'cause we were gonna figure that out once we got in the car."

"How swell," Brayden utters. "I do hope you'll have a delightful time."

"Yeah, well, I don't know much about Didsbury," I continue, "but I think Jayda might like it."

Brayden lights like a spark, flinging his head upward, both from happiness and shock.

"Why are you doing this for me?" he wonders.

I shrug. "The more you feel like you owe me, the better."

"Although that response is a bit disturbing, I'm afraid a I'm a thirteen-year-old who cannot drive, so you're my only option. Thank you."

"No problem."

With the plan settled, I take out my phone to let Jayda know what's going on.

Me: Hey, I know where we're going today.

It only takes a minute for her to respond.

Jayda: Where?


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