S4 E3.3: Colleges and Collages

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Hazel's POV

It's only when I see Andreas walking to his car alone after school that it hits me that I haven't seen him and Jayda together, like, at all the past week, and neither of them have talked to me, which isn't exactly strange on its own, since Andreas doesn't actively try to tell me his business, and Jayda has the tendency to read messages then forget to reply to them. 

"Empty seat, huh?" I say as I approach Andreas. "Where's Jayda?"

"Beats me," he grumbles. 

"You sound upset."

"Good, it's coming across."

Andreas tugs open the driver's side door and gets into his car, but I don't go away. Instead, I get into the passenger's seat.

"Wow, I don't think I've ever seen you mad. What's going on?"

Andreas shakes his head, looking down for a moment before he slams his hand on his steering wheel, causing the whole car to rock. Then his head falls back onto the headrest, his eyes red, like he could cry at any moment. 

"She broke up with me," he replies, "gave me no reason, then went on a date with my friend."

I take that in along with a breath and let it out saying, "As much as I'd like to say that doesn't sound like Jayda, I do believe it. Do you have any idea why?"

"She said something about college," he mutters. 

"College," I echo. "Well, aren't you planning on leaving Shadyside?"

"What?" he reacts, sitting up in shock. "No!"

"Well, that's not what she thinks."

"I had pamphlets for other ones, 'cause I just wanted to see them. I don't actually want to go to them. Shit, I don't think I even have the grades for them anyway."

"So she just assumed you were leaving here and dumped you?" I conclude. "Oh my God, that dumbass."

Andreas takes another moment before unclenching his fists and shifting the car into reverse, but I can tell by his jaw that he's still tense. Once we're turning out of the school parking lot, Andreas glances over at me again. 

"Did you even ask if I would drive you home?" he wonders. 

"You're already driving," I respond. "But don't take me home. I have a stop to make first."


Jayda's POV

Andreas's jacket hangs on a coat hook by my bedroom door. I almost wore it this morning, but then I remembered I can't. The worn-down elbows and soft lining taunts me, making me question everything once again. But this is for the best. I did this for a purpose. 

All of a sudden, Hazel comes bursting through my door, making me jump back. And she looks furious. Who let her in? Okay, probably my dads. But like, could they not? She slams the door shut, putting herself between me and it, blocking my only exit. 

"You, know, I have to say I'm impressed by how reckless you can be," she begins, sounding like a teacher about to lecture me. "I don't usually get involved in your love life—"

"You always get involved."

"And clearly I need to! Because you can't be trusted to make good decisions on your own!"

She comes closer as she talks, and with every step she takes forward, I take one back. Soon, I end up against the side of my bed, unable to move away anymore. 

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