S4 E8.2: Potty Training

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Andreas's POV

The second my feet plant on the main floor, I search the space for my target. 

"Where's Declan?" I ask. 

My mom comes out from the kitchen where she's making dinner. 

"He's taking a nap," she replies. 

"Cool, I'm gonna take him for a bit."

My dad and mom both share a glance then look at me in confusion. 

"Where are you going?" Mom questions. 

"Gotta buy a calculator before the store closes," I explain. 

"Why is Declan coming?" Dad wonders. 

"Carpool lane. Who knew a baby would be so useful?"

"Wait," my mom goes on. "You don't have a calculator yet? You're in twelfth grade."

"I've been using different ones I found around school, but someone took the one I had back today," I explain, annoyed. 

My mom furrows her brows. "How are you not failing math?"

I start laughing awkwardly. "Ha ha ha, right, not failing. Anyway, see you later."

I whip around and launch back upstairs to find my baby brother. 


Jonah's POV

Walker and I sit on the bathroom tiles, while Austen silently stands, swinging her arms around to entertain herself. The spiral-haired doll I hold up lures her eyes my way, and she sucks on her fingers while I begin the demonstration that I found recommended for potty training on the internet. 

"Okay, this is Lily."

"No," Austen immediately cuts me off. "That's Tom."

"Fine. It's Tom. Tom has to pee. Do you remember where Tom goes when she has to pee?"

Austen blinks at me mindlessly. "McDonalds."

Walker lets out a sigh, but I try to keep my positive attitude as I respond, "No. Tom goes to the potty."

I sit the dolly on the rim of the plastic potty, and Austen watches, wide-eyed like seeing a dancing elephant at the zoo. 

"See," I say then take the dolly back. "Now can you try using the potty?"

Austen hesitates for a moment then eventually waddles over to the potty, but rather than sit down, she begins to reach inside. 

"It's clean, right?" Walker whispers. 

"Yeah," I confirm. 

Austen feels around for a bit then sticks her head down inside. 

"Nope, that's the wrong end," I say. "You have to pull down your training pants and sit on the potty."

Austen looks again at the potty then back at us then at the potty then us then the potty—

"I'm hungry," she says and runs between Walker and I out of the bathroom. 

Walker looks at me with disappointment clear in his expression. 

"We'll try again later," I conclude. 



Cyrus and I follow Buffy around her main floor while she searches for her purse, phone, and keys and simultaneously explains all the things we need to know for the night. 

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