S2 E10.1: Roller Coaster

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Buffy's POV

The paths of Adrenaline City are crowded with families and friends all enjoying the amusement park in the spring weather. Because of Marty's job as a manager here, he gets lots of free passes that today he's using to get all of the Good Hair Family into the park. Jonah and Walker talk to Amber and Andi while they walk. TJ and Cyrus keep an eye on Wyatt, making sure he doesn't get distracted and wander off. Jayda, having been with Oceana for over a month now, has brought her with us. Andreas has chosen not to open up about his feelings on that whole situation to me nor Marty. Rather, he just talks with Hazel, keeping his distance from the girls ahead. It seems like he got over Oceana really fast, which I guess I have to attribute to his incredible ability to bounce back.

The one creating the most chaos is Cara, who leaps from brick to brick on the pathway, avoiding all the cracked ones. She doesn't look up at all, causing her to get in the way of many strangers just trying to walk. They all dodge around her as she wedges between strolling families.

"Aren't you worried she might hit someone?" Cyrus wonders.

"She does this everywhere we go," I explain. "We've just accepted it at this point."

Right at that, Cara knocks into a man walking by her, and she nearly stumbles backward, but the man remains calm.

"Be careful, little girl," he tells her.

That simple request is enough to make Cara explode, shouting, "You be careful!"

"Cara!" I call. "Come here."

My daughter whips around angrily and stomps back to me.

"He called me a little girl!" she huffs.

"You are a little girl," I respond. "It's not an insult. And you bumped into him, so walk normally."

Although begrudgingly, Cara stops her jumping around and instead takes long strides to keep up with the rest of our group as we walk. But now with her eyes up, she sees the cotton candy stand to our left and begins tugging on my arm.

"Cotton Candy! Mom!"

"No," I reply. "You've had enough sugar today already."

She frowns and switches over to Marty's hand, yanking as she says, "Dad! Cotton Candy!"

"Sorry, baby. I'm with your mom," Marty says.

"Who do you always listen to her?" Cara pouts.

"Why do you listen to her?" Marty reflects.

"Because I have to."


Marty glances up at me with a grin, and I shake my head at him, but I'm still smiling.

Jayda's POV

Oceana's hand is smaller than mine, so whenever we hold hands, hers fits snuggly in place. She walks alongside me, her long French braid swinging behind her. At first, she was opposed to holding hands in public, afraid of what others would say, but now she's become comfortable with it. I never had that problem. To be honest, though, sometimes I forget that some people still don't like same-sex couples. I've been raised around so many that it just feels normal.

"I love Adrenaline City," I say. "I come here all the time because of Marty's job."

"I came here on a physics field trip in October," Oceana responds. "We learned about how the rides demonstrate concepts like centripetal force, kinetic energy, friction, and things like that."

I don't know what any of those things are, except friction, because that's what wears down my shoe soles, but I smile and nod anyway, because I don't like having to ask her for explanations.

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