S4 E4.1: Wonderland

214 19 66

Amber's POV

At the kitchen table, Andi ingests a spoonful of her cereal while I put the milk back in the fridge.

As I close the door, I glance over at my wife, asking, "Why do we have the ketchup in a jar?"

Her eyes go wide in realization. "Oh, that's where I put my red paint."

"Okay, guess we do need ketchup then," I mutter and go over to change that on the shopping list.

Making me drop my pen is the whoosh of the front door pushing open, and I whip around to see my brother and his husband entering in.

"Have you ever heard of a doorbell?" I ask.

"Says you," TJ responds.

"Hey," Andi greets amidst our sibling bickering.

"Hi," Cyrus reflects and goes over to sit with her at the table.

But TJ comes over to me at the island, saying. "Amber, did you check your email?"

"Why?" I question.

"Just check it."

I find my phone on the counter and open up to my home screen while TJ peeks over my arm.

"Three hundred forty-four unread emails?" he gasps.

"Shut up."

I open up my email and look at the top one. The second I start reading, my jaw drops.

"Oh my god," I say.

"What is it?" Andi asks.

"Our uncle died," I answer.

Her face automatically changes to pity. "That's awful."

I end up snorting a laugh at that. "No, he was a homophobic dick."

"Wait," Andi realizes with a gasp. "Was he the guy with the sign across the street during our wedding?"

Cyrus nods beside her. "Yup, and ours too."

"But that's not it," I add. "Apparently he left something for us in his will."

"What did he leave?" Andi questions.

"I don't know," I answer.

TJ picks up my response, explaining, "Our cousin who sent the email has it right now."

I look down at the message once more, pondering it for another second before raising my attention onto my brother.

"So do you want to get it?" I ask him.

"I don't know," he replies. "I wanted to talk to your first."

"Do you have any idea what it might be?" Andi wonders.

I have none, so I take my best guess: "Money for conversion therapy?"

"He cut us off as soon as he found out we were gay," TJ explains further. "He hasn't spoken to us in decades. It can't be anything good."

"Probably," I agree.

"So we're not gonna accept it?" TJ checks.

I give my wife a glance, searching for an answer in her, even though I know this is my decision to make. Andi doesn't say anything anyway, just holds my gaze curiously. Then I look at my brother. He's waiting for me to choose for us. Why is that always my job as the older sister? Should I accept the gift from our dead uncle, granted that it's likely going to bring back some pretty horrible memories, or should I write it off and let it be? Would my curiosity kill me if I did that?

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