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A/N : fuck me and all these damn books SMH my faceass really thought I could do it 💀 N E wayz, here's an update you hungry hoes💃🏻 btw for those of you questioning, aging does not exist in this book for Billie, thank you and enjoy🦿

(Time skip one year)

Billie's POV 

"Finn hurry up!" I shouted as he was currently in the kitchen making god knows what.

 We were getting ready to watch the last episode of season two of Victorious. I hate this show to high goddamn heavens but I only watch it to see Ariana. To see how happy she is and how healthy she's gotten. 

I watch her interviews on the sidelines of it as well and her voice is... let's just say she hasn't changed since she was 12. Her singing voice on the other hand is powerful as hell. No idea where she gets it from cause' it damn sure isn't me. 

"It's starting!" Jah shouts for Finn. He quickly sat on the couch next to me, alongside Claudia and Drew, and made himself comfortable.

 I'm glad they all care about her just as much as I do. 

"Finneas what the hell are you wearing?" 

"What? Rumor has it it's a Christmas episode and I wanted to dress for the occasion." He shrugged. I rolled my eyes and payed attention to the episode that was now starting.

Ariana's POV 

 I was currently on break from an interview I was doing, just eating my salad with Matt when I started to get a call. "I'll be back," I sighed, getting up from my seat.

 Leaving the room we were eating in, I answered the call in the hallway. 

"Hello?" "Hi, Is this Ariana O'Connell?" I heard a man's voice say. 

"Yes, this is she." 

"Perfect. We've talked over your request for putting out a single and I'm happy to say that we are all on board to have you release "Put Your Hearts Up."


"This is great news, thank you so so much." I thanked him. I had to keep my composure but I'm screaming in my head.

"My pleasure. You do of course have the option of making a music video to go with it and it is obviously required that you make a cover for this single so we'll set up a photo shoot for you while working around your schedule of filming for Victorious of course so you just tell me what day and what time works for you and we'll set it up." Wow that's a lot to take in in under a minute. 

"Um, well since we're starting a new season next week my schedule might change from today but if I can call you back when I get an update I'll let you know as soon as possible." I chuckled nervously. 

"Alright, pleasure working with you Ms. O'Connell." "You too, and please just call me Ari. And if your gonna use my last name just use Grande." I hate my last name. It reminds me of mom. My real mom. "Of course. Talk to you soon Ms. Grande." And with that, they hung up the phone. 

I can't believe I get to release my first single. I technically didn't have any control over the lyrics or the rhythm, nickelodeon handled that but I think people are gonna love it.

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