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A/N : Unmotivated = me :(

(Next Day)

Ariana's POV : "Ariana," I heard Frankie whisper as he poked my face. I hummed in response, not wanting to wake up. "You have to wake up, the callbacks are today and I have to do your makeup before I go to my rehearsal which is in thirty minutes so get up." Oh yeah. Callbacks. "Fine, I'm up." I sighed, rubbing my eyes and sitting up. Frankie left my room and closed my door on the way out. Grabbing my phone from the bedside table, I opened it and clicked on Liz's contact.


Sorry for leaving early last night


It's alright, I get it


If I knew that she was your mom I would've never put that picture up


It's ok, you couldn't have known anyways


Forget about it though, today's a new day and we have callbacks 😆


You want me to pick you up?


Yeah that would be great actually, thanks


Ofc, lemme know when ur ready



Putting my phone down, I got out of my bed and grabbed some clothes for today. Mainly consisting of a black tank top and a purple jacket to go over it and a pair of jeans. I got my towel as well, walking into my bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. After I finished that, I called Frankie so he could do my makeup. "Natural?" He asks, taking out some brushes. "Yeah, liner, foundation, blush, mascara and eyebrows and I should be good." "What about lips?"

"It's called cherry chap stick." I chuckle. He shrugs and starts on my makeup as I scroll through Instagram. I then suddenly got a notification saying 'xxxtentacion is now following you' from instagram. It's Jah. How did he- "Close your eyes, I'm doing some eyeshadow." I sighed and closed my eyes. As soon as mom left he left me as well. I don't know why but he did. Maybe he just got bored of taking care of me or something but he left when I needed him the most. The real question is how did he find me? Duh Ariana, your name is literally your username stupid. Oh yeah.

"Open." Frankie says as he stops applying eyeshadow. "Alright, brows and then we're done." "Kk." I mumbled, turning my phone back on and clicking on his profile. He's a lot more well known now then when I used to know him. I'm happy for him. "All done." Frankie smiles, handing me his sparkly pink mirror. I looked in the mirror and admired the makeup look. I like it. "This is great, thank you Frankie." "Your welcome, I gotta go now but good luck on your callback and I hope you get the part." He kisses my forehead. Hopefully.

As he left my room, I checked the time and saw that it was 8:15. I still have enough time to eat breakfast. "Okay no, I look really pretty right now, what the fuck?" I chuckled, looking in the mirror again. I have to. It's very rare that I think I look pretty.

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