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A/N : why tf do u like this book. Like literally be honest, it's trash and i wanna delete it. anyways, here's an update smh

Ariana's POV

"Morning." Billie smiled slightly at me as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hi." I mumbled nervously.

It was only seven in the morning and even though it's the weekend, I still get up early to feel productive I guess.

"You hungry?"

I silently shook my head no.

I was actually starving. I just wasn't comfortable eating around her.

"You sure?" She asked.

I gave her my best fake smile and nodded my head.

My heart was racing like crazy.

Even just looking at her gets me scared.

"Well um... i-if you get hungry, I made you some pancakes. I don't really know if your allergic to anything but uh.. I'm allergic to gluten so I made them gluten free just in case." She placed a plate of pancakes on the counter along with a glass of orange juice.

I actually was allergic to gluten. Found that out the hard way a long time ago when she forced me to eat some expired yogurt out of the fridge.

I had an allergic reaction and all she did was tell me to drink water.

I snuck out that night and took myself to the hospital. After they treated me they asked me if my parents knew I was there and I ran.

Definitely not a fun memory.

Before she left the kitchen, I mumbled a small "Thank you."

She hummed in response and left me there.

I made sure she was gone before going over to the pancakes with syrup on them and taking them over to the table.

Taking the fork in my hand, I took a small bite and another after that.

It was actually really good.

After a while of texting Liz and eating my food, I had finally finished and put my dishes in the sink.


You sure she's not hurting you? Cuz I can come over there and kick some ass


I'm sure. It's just kinda scary even being here. All the memories are kinda coming back


Did you meet her parents yet?


no, I fell asleep before they even came back


Liz I'm scared. I don't wanna go back to how things used to be. What if I stop eating again, what if I slip back into that depressive state again, I wanna stay happy Liz


Ari trust me when I say that everything's gonna be okay. I'm here for you, Matt is here for you, Leon is here for you, my point is we're all here for you if you ned us. Things wont go back to the way they were. If anything, they'll just get better as soon as you get over your fear of being near her. In the meantime just try to chill out, alright?

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