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Billie's POV

What's Zoe doing here?

I left Finneas' room and went to open the door for Zoe.

"What's up, Zoe?" I asked, pulling her in for a hug.

"Well I missed my best friend so I thought I'd swing by."

Nah, something's up.

"Bullshit, what're you up to?"

She had an uneasy look upon her face as if she was nervous to say it out loud.

I sighed and grabbed her hand, taking her to my room.

"What's going on, Zoe?" I asked.

"I-... Finneas told Drew that you finally got your kid to come with you and then Drew told me about it and I wanted to meet her." For fucks sake.

"Zoe she is scared to death right now, I really don't think new people is something she'd wanna get into at the moment." I answered honestly.

I know Zoe's just trying to be nice but now's really not the time.

"Please, Bil? I could say a bunch of nice things about you and maybe even make her less scared of you."

That does sound like a good idea.

"Fine." I sighed. She quickly got excited and let out a small squeal.

"But only nice things. Anyways, I gotta go talk to my manager about something, in the meantime keep her company." I really hope this whole thing goes my way. Otherwise things are gonna get really messy.

"Alright, only nice things. Love you, B." She hugged me.

Of course, I hugged her right back as we lightly swayed side to side.

We both left my room and went back into the living room as Ariana was still on the couch where I left her.

"Hey, listen, I kinda gotta do something right now but this is my best friend Zoe. Zoe's gonna keep you company while I finish what I gotta do. You sure you're gonna be fine here without me?" I asked Ariana as I sat down back next to her.

She looked up at Zoe and then back at me as if she was scared or something.

Her leg was bouncing up and down in an anxious manner.

"Will you be back soon?"

"It's like you won't even know I left." I smiled slightly.

She bit her lip nervously before agreeing.

"Alright. Zoe if you need me just call me, okay?"

"Kay. See you soon, Bil." And with that, I left the house.

Ariana's POV

"Hi.... I- I'm Ari-"

"Ariana. Bil's told me a lot about you." The girl who was named Zoe sat down next to me.

She had pretty eyes.

"So umm.... How long you been Bil's daughter?" "Pretty much since I was born." I chuckled at her dumb question.

"Right, duh." She laughed softly to herself.

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