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Lisa's POV

I knocked on Billie's door, hoping for an answer as to why she suddenly cut me off.

Had I done something wrong?

Was it the way my body looked?

Was she mad about the pictures that had been taken?

So many possible answers had roamed through my mind as the anxiety built up in my head.

Maybe she just-

"Can I help you?" The door opened.

It was the same woman from Starbucks.

Quinn was her name.

At least I think so.

But I thought-

I thought that Billie had stopped seeing her.

I mean I'm aware we never made anything official but I sort of hoped maybe she'd want to try us out again.

Maybe I was just way in over my head.

My fault for that.

"Um-.... No, sorry for bothering you." I mumbled.

I was about to step off the porch when suddenly, I heard Billie tell me to "Wait."

Quinn gave her a sort of look.

Half 'What are you doing' and half 'What the hell, Billie'.

"Just uh... go back inside, baby. I'll be in there in a sec." Billie kissed her cheek.


Quinn walked back inside the house and closed the door behind her as Billie walked up to me.


"It's okay, Billie. I get it. I'm glad you two have everything all worked out. But um... I'm happy for you." I smiled softly.

I was about to walk away before she grabbed my arm.

Please don't hit me.

Please don't hit me.

Please don't hit me.

"Lisa, you know I never meant for this to happen. You know me. I would never hurt you intentionally.... anymore. M-My point is that I'm giving her a second chance because I know there's some good in her. And you of all people should understand that."

I should.

I should understand that.

But I loved you again.

After everything you put me through, I loved you again.

I had hoped that maybe you felt the same.

Everything seemed like it was all going so well.

For a moment... a sweet, sweet moment... I had hope.

I had seen the same old Billie again when we were on that rooftop dancing in the rain.

But um... It's for the best, I guess.

I don't wanna bother her anymore than I already have.

"I understand. I... I hope you two are happy together." I smiled, biting my tongue to hold back the tears that so desperately wanted to escape my eyes.

Fuck this hurts more than I expected.

Of course she wouldn't love you.

I'm an ugly, broke whore.

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