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Billie's POV

"So.... you're a whore."

"Billie, how else am I gonna make money, I-"

"Nah I'm not judging you but like... why didn't you just tell me?" I asked as I stopped at a red light.

She sighed.

"Because I didn't... I didn't want you to think of me as some ex girlfriend who's using you for your fame and money. Because I'm not. That's not who I am. I just needed a way to make money and no one would hire me. I was desperate. I had nowhere to live and no money for food. Do you know how bad it would look if I had asked you for some money? No. And now you think I'm a slut so-"

"Baby, I would never even dare to let myself think of you that way. Never. But I'm with you again. I can take care of you. You don't have to put yourself through something like that."

"I don't need your money." She mumbled.

"I'm not offering you my money, Lisa. I'm offering you a life where you're safe and happy. Where you don't have to suck dick for a couple of bucks. Lisa, I don't see you as some slut who came back into my life because she needed cash. I see you as the woman I'm madly fucking in love with. You're strong and independent on your own, yes, but it's okay to ask for help every once in a while, my love. I know you and you know me. And I know damn well you're different from any of these clout chasing gold diggers out here. You're my Lisa. And it's my job to ensure your happiness and safety. So please... just let me."

I know Lisa thinks that I think of her as a gold digger.

But I don't.

There's a huge ass difference between her and Quinn.

Lisa is a gracious lady.

Quinn is a clout chasing, nasty, dusty, musty, crusty, gold digging bitch.

Despite Lisa's job, Quinn is the real whore here.

As if I didn't know she fucks million's of other guys on the daily 'behind my back'.

But Lisa... she's a gem.

And I want to make sure she's taken care of.

"Billie, I really don't want-"

"Please? If you wont let me take care of you, at least let me help you find a job. Will you let me do that at least?"

She sighed and nodded her head.

"Thank you."

"Mhm." She mumbled.

Eventually, I had pulled up in front of the house and got out the car.

Before Lisa could even get out, I went over to the other side and opened her door for her.

"Thank you." She chuckled.

Holding her hand, I helped her out the car and locked it up.

"Oh- wait, you got a lil something here."

"Where?" She asked.

"Right here." I then pressed my lips against hers gently.

She smiled into the kiss and wrapped her arms around me.


Not long after, we had pulled away only for me to peck her lips one last time.

"Te amo, Billie Eilish." She smiled.

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