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A/N : Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii p.s, I warned ya'll this whole book is a trigger warning.

Ariana's POV : "Yo, wake up we got shit to do." I hear mom say as she lightly shoves me. "Isn't it saturday?" I ask confusedly. There's no school today so why is she waking me up? "Doesn't mean you don't have shit to do now get up and go shower." I sigh and get up from the bed. This isn't my room. I slept with her last night?! "Well fucking go! We don't have the whole damn day." She shouts at me. I quickly left her room and went to take a shower and brush my teeth.

Once I finish, I brushed out my hair and put on some clothes. "Uh uh, put that down, you can eat when your finished with today." Mom says, taking away my small cup of stale, dry cereal. I'm so hungry. "Put your shoes on and let's go." She says as she grabs her keys. I put my shoes on and we left the house. Once we got in the car she immediately started getting a call.

"Yo...Yeah we're on our way... Nah that wasn't the deal, fifty dollars an hour, take it or leave it." What's she talking about? "So how long do you fucking want her cause' I got other people... Three hours tops... Aight see you soon." And with that she hangs up the phone. I stayed silent, not wanting to get hit again for asking about it. All of a sudden my stomach started growling really loudly. Shut up.

"Here but if you eat this now this is all your getting for the whole day." She says, holding out the small cup of cereal to me. I didn't want it because I want to be skinny like Alyssa from our class. All the boys thought she was pretty so I wanna be just like her. "No thank you." I mumble. "Why not?" She asks, stopping at a red light. "Eating makes you fat." I quoted Alyssa.

We continued driving in silence until we got to some strange hotel looking place. "Where-" "Listen to me. Do what he says, make as much noise as possible and don't fucking cry. If he tells me you started crying I swear to fucking god I'll give you something to cry about when we get home do you understand me?" She cuts me off. I was super confused but nodded my head anyways.

We got out of the car together and walked inside the sketchy looking hotel. There was this strange looking guy standing next to an old painting, looking like he was waiting for someone. "Yo!" Mom calls for him, making him turn his head towards our direction. He walks over to use, eyeing me down every step of the way. "This her?" "Yeah, gimme my money and you can have your fun." She says rushingly. He hands her three fifty dollar bills and shakes her hand. "Alright, I'mma be in the car." She mumbles lowly before leaving me with him. 

"Hey pretty girl, come upstairs with me yeah?" I didn't want to but I did it anyways. What is going on? Why did mom leave me with him? We got to his small hotel room and he locked the door. "Take your clothes off for me, beautiful?" What? Why? What the heck was going on? Mom said to do what he says so do it. "All of them?" "Mhm." He smirks. I did as he said and took all of my clothes off. I didn't like the way he was looking at me or my body. 


Billie's POV : She got back to the car with her clothes and hair messed up and tears streaming down her face, practically shaking. "Did you do what he said?" I ask as I start up the car. She doesn't say anything but nods her head. "Here, I bought you this." I mumble, grabbing a bag of McDonalds from the backseat. I was about to hand it to her when I noticed she was bleeding between her legs. Shit. "Here, use this and clean yourself up." I say, handing her a napkin.

She didn't take it. She didn't even blink. She was just frozen. "Spread your legs for me, it's obvious you can't do shit yourself." I sigh. She still doesn't move. I was about to spread them for her but she quickly closed her legs tightly. "Please." She whispers, lightly trying to push my hands away. "Fine if you wanna be such a fucking baby about it!" I shout, rolling my eyes and starting to drive to the next location. "And you don't get shit to eat today either." I mumble angrily. I don't feel bad about it, this little shit deserves it for being such a fucking brat. 


Ariana's POV : We finally got through the day and eventually got back home. "Go in your room and stay in there." She pushes me inside. I go to my room and quickly locked the door. Leaning against it, I slid down the door and sat with my knees up to my chest and started to cry. Those men touched me. They touched my private area's and they hit me hard. Do my friends do the same thing? Do all little girls get touched by boys? Maybe it's normal.

Getting up from the floor, I walked over to my full body mirror and took my clothes off. They made fun of my body. They put more bruises on it and made me bleed from my private area. I don't like my body, it's not very pretty. I bet Alyssa likes her body. She's so skinny. "Yo! Last fucking chance, do you want to eat or not!" I hear mom shout through my door. You need to be prettier for the boys. "No t-thank... y-" I couldn't finish my sentence as my body began to grow weak and my vision started to blur until everything went black. 

A/N : *Sigh* 

A/N : *Sigh* 

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