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(Time skip to the next day)

Ariana's POV : "Ariana O'Connell please come to the main office, Ariana O'Connell to the main office please, thank you." I heard on the loud speaker during math class. The whole class starts making "Oooohhhhh" sounds as if I was in trouble, making me nervous. Grabbing my bookbag from the floor next to me, I pack my stuff and go to the main office.

Walking into the main office, I see a couple of kids from my advisory class that probaly got in trouble and my music teacher Ms. Davis. "Yeah?" I ask confusedly. She looks over to me and gives me a big smile. "Darling let's go, your late for rehearsal." Rehearsal? "But i'm not in the show." I say, making her return the confused look. "Yes you are, your mother signed the papers." She did? WAIT- "THAT MEANS I GOT THE PART?" "Mhm, now let's go so you can meet your cast mates." She smiles.

We got to the auditorium and I saw a bunch of the kids who auditioned standing on stage together, talking amongst themselves. "Go ahead and meet everyone dear, I still need to sort out everyone's scripts and whatnot." She chuckles, leaving me in front of the stage. I walked onto the stage nervously and tried to introduce myself to some people.

All of a sudden, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and met eyes with a girl. A pretty girl. She had light blue eyes and dark brown hair. "Hi I'm Elizabeth but you can just call me Liz, I'm playing lucy in the play." She smiles as she holds her hand out for me. "Hi I'm Ariana but you can just call me Ari I guess. I'm playing Charlotte." I chuckle, shaking her hand.

 "Alright everyone, I hope you've all met one another by now if not you can do so tomorrow but right now we have rehearsing to do so lets get started!" Ms. Davis shouts enthusiastically. She hands us our scripts and jesus christ it's heavy. I guess it's supposed to be that large for an hour and a half play. "Alright! We only have a couple of weeks to rehearse before we actually go on brodway so let's make this count yes?" "Yessss," We all reply. Let's do this.


School had finally ended and I was waiting for mom to come pick me up. She's usually late so I just sat on the stair case waiting for her. "Hey, Ariana right?" I hear a boy say from behind me. I turned my head around and saw a boy with short wavy brown hair and blue eyes. "Yeah?" I ask. I think I saw him in rehearsal or something. "Hey, I wanted to talk to you in rehearsal but liz was sort of hogging you." He chuckles, taking a seat next to me.

"I'm Graham, I play Evan in the play." He smiles, holding his hand out for me. I shake his hand and introduce myself as well. We made small talk for a little while and he was actually really nice. It started getting dark and sadly, he had to go. Mom still hasn't showed up yet and I was getting a little cold. "BOO!" I hear someone shout from behind me, scaring me half to death.

"Jesus don't scare me like that." I sigh as Liz just starts laughing like crazy. "Why are you out here so late?" I ask her as she sits down next to me. "I don't have to be home until 11 so I got plenty time to just chill. How bout you?" I wish I could say the same. "I'm waiting for my mom to pick me up." I mumble lowly. She gives me a confused look but gets the hint that I don't really wanna talk about it.

"So, why'd you audition for the play?" She asks, giving me her full attention. "Well I really like acting, I do it in my day to day life so why not make use out of it. Also singing has always been a passion of mine I guess. I'm not that good but it's the effort that counts." I chuckle. "You?" "I just love singing. The acting part is a huge bonus but I hope to make it big someday."

"If I do, I'll get you out of this shit hole and i'll take you with me." She smiles, slinging her arm over my shoulder. She said a swear word. If I ever did that mom would literally murder me. "I-" I was gonna say something when all of a sudden her phone started to ring. I thought she was gonna accept it but instead she declined it. "Not important." She mumbles, sensing my confusion.

𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐌𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲?Where stories live. Discover now