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Billie's POV

Damn, why the fuck I cried so hard?

I chuckled and wiped all my tears away before rinsing off my face and leaving the Starbucks bathroom.

She loves me.

My little girl loves me.

Shit's fucking crazy

"Hi, can I get a grande Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte." I heard an all to familiar voice ask someone at the front counter.

I looked over and as I assumed, it was Lisa.

Fuck she's so beautiful.
I have a type. I always have.
We all do. My type was her.
I got a thing for really skinny women. Not sure why but she fits it so well. And she's so tiny I could just put her in my pocket and keep her forever she's so adorable.

God I love her.

Should I go up to her?

Fuck I'm nervous.

I sort of went off on her last time I was with her.

I kinda regret it but I also don't.

I'm not gonna apologize for sticking up for my daughter.

But I will apologize for everything I've done to her.

It's on the to-do list.

Might as well get it done now.

She sat down at a table, pulling out her phone as she waited for her drink to get done.

Despite everything I did to her, she'll always be my baby.

My first true love. I used to hoe around, I'll admit. But falling in love with her was an experience.

I sighed and walked over to her table, sitting down across from her.

She looked up from her phone and got scared as soon as she realized who it was.


"Can I just say I'm sorry. I-I'm sorry for abusing you, I'm sorry for knocking you up, I'm sorry for giving you no choice but to leave, I'm sorry for ever meeting you in general. If I could take it all back, I would. But I just needed to get that off my chest. You don't have to forgive me but know that I hate myself just as much as you do."

I noticed something that melted my heart immediately. She wore her wedding ring around her neck, secured by a thin silver chain. It hung on the necklace so sweetly.

She was quiet. Her head tilted to the side slightly before beginning to speak.

"I'm not sorry. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened to me. Granted yes, there's no excuse for what you did, regardless of being under the influence of drugs and alcohol or not. But unlike you, I remember the Billie that I married. I know the real you. I've seen the sweeter version of you that you don't seem to remember yet I can't seem to forget.

I know you, Billie. You're not a bad person. And trust me when I say I never stopped loving you. My love for you is unconditional. Fuck all your money, fuck all your fame, and fuck all your success. I love you. Just you. I accept your apology... but I don't forgive you.

It'll probably take me a lifetime before I forgive you for what you put me through. But I don't hold grudges against people. And I certainly wont hold one against someone who deserves it the least...

Y'know... I remember one time you took me on a date. It was the most beautiful restaurant I had ever been to in my life. You pulled my chair out for me. You told me how precious I was to you almost every five minutes." She giggled softly.

"But most importantly... you respected the living hell out of me. You had said to me 'If I'm not here to love you, what am I here for?'.... You proposed to me that night. You changed my life forever in the most beautiful way possible.

That, my love, is the Billie I know. And I'm positive she's somewhere in there. I haven't moved on from her. I haven't even considered seeing anyone since then. And when she comes out, I'll be right here waiting for her with open arms."

Oh fuck me, I'm not about to cry again.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.

"Okay, I got a grande Iced Matcha Green Tea Latte for Lisa!" The employee shouted from the front counter.

Lisa got up, grabbed her drink and sat right back down in front of me.

"I um... I-"

"Hey babe, I thought I'd find you here." I heard Quinn from behind me.

She sat down next to me and wrapped her arms around me.


"Baby, uh, why are you here?" I asked.

How the fuck did she even find me?

"Well you were supposed to be at my place 20 minutes ago. You didn't answer any of my calls or texts so I checked your snap map and drove here. Who's this?" Quinn asked, looking up at Lisa with disgust.

That's my fucking wife.

"That's um... some person." I chuckled nervously. I was always unable to come up with a lie on the spot.

A blessing and a curse.

In this case, a curse.

Lisa's expression was a mixture of confusion and disappointment.

I've never felt more guilty in my life.

"Some... person?"

"Yeah, I uh.... I-"

"I should probably get going-" "No!" I interrupted Lisa.

I really wanna talk to her.

"Sorry. Babe, can you go get me some water?" I asked Quinn.

She was suspecting something. I could tell.

"M'kay. Gimme a kiss first." She smirked.

Fucking bitch.

I grabbed her jaw and pecked her lips.

"That's all? Don't you love me?"

Oh my godddddddd.

I'm so sorry I have to do this in front of you, Lisa.

I pressed my lips against hers, slipping in some tongue and having a small make out session with her.

Once we were finished, she smirked at Lisa before getting up to get me a water.


"I-It's okay. I'm glad you moved on. I um... I hope she makes you really happy." She gave me a genuine smile.

She was actually happy for me.

I'm not happy for me.

I want my Lisa back.

And damnit, I'm gonna get her back.

"You live around here?"

"Yeah, why?"

I looked up and saw Quinn still waiting in line.

"I got a car. Let's go." I grabbed her hand, rushing out of the Starbucks and out to the parking lot.

Lemme turn my damn snap map off.

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