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Singer and song writer Billie Eilish was spotted yesterday in front of her house kissing actress and singer, Ariana Grande's look alike. Paparazzi were not able to release said pictures due to legal actions being taken by Eilish's management but here's what we do know. The look alike's name is Lisa Grande-Butera. Fans have speculated possible relations between Ariana and Lisa but neither have spoken publicly on the situation. Eilish refuses to address any rumors of supposed encounter between her and Grande but speculations have grown ever since Lisa had made her Instagram account private at the same time the rumors had been released to the public. Fans have also started to notice Eilish's friends and family liking Ariana Grande's posts as well as commenting on them. When news articles and drama channel's had questioned friends and family about the rumors, Eilish had posted on her Instagram story to "Stop harassing her friends and family." as well as then speaking on the Ariana Grande look alike situation, saying "I'm not even gay, bro. Are ya'll- I swear ya'll need a life. Go to the beach. Read a book. Get a job. Do something with your life instead of trying to find out about mine. THANK YOU." She ended the video by then teasing a possible new song to come soon. Eilish has reportedly been seen traveling around with Ariana whether that be on performances or simply going to the store. Some people have gone as far to say Eilish may have a crush on underage singer and decided to 'hook up' with someone who looks just like her and is her age. What do you think? Is Billie Eilish dating Lisa Grande-Butera or is it all just a rumor? 

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Billie's POV

Oh fuck me.

Screw my reputation, I never meant to do this to Lisa.

Now she's got paparazzi down her fucking back and it's my fault.

Not to mention the fact that they wont leave Zoe or Drew alone about this shit.

They piss me off so much, dude. 

It's a total invasion of my privacy.

"Babe, have you seen my phone anywhere?" Quinn asked.

Oh fuck.

I forgot I threw that shit away.

"No." I lied.

She huffed in frustration and gave up on looking for her phone.

Sitting down next to me, she lied her head on my shoulder as I quickly closed out the article.

I agreed to try and make us work.

I just feel like I should give her a chance.

We had talked a lot after we left the hospital.

About how the accident had made her see things so differently than she did then.

She had this look in her eyes.

Like she really wanted to try for me.

So I gave her a chance.

She made me block Lisa.

I haven't even got the chance to talk to her and explain myself since I was out with Quinn all yesterday.

Hopefully I'll get to talk to her today though.

"Whatcha doing?" Quinn asked.

"Just um... scrolling through Instagram."

"But that's twitter.." She said in a confused tone.

"Yeah, that's uh- that's what I meant." I chuckled nervously.

She kissed my cheek and sighed.

"Thank you for giving me another chance, Bil. I promise I'll make this work."

I sure fucking hope so.

"I'm gonna go back home but pick me up tonight for our date?"

"I gotchu, baby." I pressed my lips against her as her hands ran through my hair.

This kiss was... different.

I kinda liked it.

"I'll see you later, babe." She smiled.

Eventually, she left my house, leaving me alone in the living room.

Ew, I'm blushing.

I chuckled and took out my phone to check my schedule.

Oh yeah, I still gotta pitch that music video idea for when the party's over.

"Mommmmm!! I need your help with something!!"

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