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Billie's POV

That voice.

I knew it like no other.

It really was Lisa.

I stood up from the bench I was previously sitting on and put my phone away.

She walked over to me, her black, mary jane heels making a clicking sound each time she stepped closer to me.

Just looking at her, I was in complete shock.

Imagine thinking someone was dead all your life and it turns out they weren't.

She looked smaller than what I remember. Slimmer. Shorter. More frail, I guess.


Cutting me off, she smashed her lips against mine and wrapper her arms around my neck ; tippy toeing to reach my height.

I didn't even fight it, despite the fact that I was very fucking confused.

With my hands gently placed on her waist, I kissed her right back, our tongues brushing up against each other every now and then.

Fuck this feels so right.
Everything about her touch felt most familiar to me.

Salt was suddenly a taste accompanying out short-lived kiss.
She was crying.

I could feel her tears dripping down from her closed eyes.

The only sounds heard were the birds chirping since we were in an empty park, and the sound of our lips smacking every now and then.

Eventually and unfortunately, we had both pulled away from the kiss.

"I- uh..." I was speechless. I had no idea what to say.

What would someone say to their ex wife who they abused like hell and then killed herself but then came back to life somehow and just made out with her.



Not to mention the fact that I have a girlfriend. Fuck me if she ever finds out.

"Um... L-Let's talk, c'mere." I grabbed a gentle hold of her hand, walking her over to the bench I was sitting at. Her hands were soft and warm. Smaller in mine, yet her grip was firm.

I hope nobody saw me kissing her.
That nobody saw me in her arms.

"So how... How are you like-... not dead?"

"What do you mean?" She asked.

That voice. That gentle, silky voice with a feminine high pitch, and the slightest rasp to it. I could listen to her talk for hours.

"What do you mean 'what do I mean'? How are you not dead? You killed yourself a month after having Ariana yet somehow you're right in front of me."

She looked at me like I was crazy.

"Billie have the drugs gotten to your head? I'm still here. I never killed myself, I would never even dream of doing something like that. Who told you that?"

Oh nah.

She not about to make me feel like I'm the crazy one here. You the one who got resurrected, bruh.

"The police. I literally saw them pull your body away. You shot yourself." I said, trying to convince her.

"Okay, Billie.. Listen to me," She held onto both of my hands as if would help me get a grip on reality. My heart skipped eight beats at once the moment her skin made contact with mine. "I am not dead nor did I kill myself. Last I checked, you were drunk out of your mind, yelling at me about how it was my fault we had Ariana, and that I was a whore. You kicked me out that night after you passed out on the couch."

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