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Ariana's POV

I quickly woke up from my nightmare in a heavy sweat, panicking as I looked around my room for mom.

"M-Mom?" I mumbled as I sat up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.

No response.

"Mom," I spoke even louder.

Still nothing.

She said she would be here when I woke up.

Was she lying?


She couldn't.

She promised.

Is she leaving me again?

Did she leave me again?

I didn't do anything wrong this time.

I was good.

I tried my best.

Maybe I'm overthinking.

She wouldn't do that to me.


"Mom!" I shouted shakily.

Please don't leave me again.


I tried to be better this time, I really did.

"Please, mom!" I cried out.

Eventually I started hyperventilating.

Tears made their way down my cheeks by the second.

"I don't want you to leave me again." I whispered to myself through broken sobs.

I did something wrong.

I must have.

Maybe It's the way I look.

Maybe she thinks I'm too skinny.

Or maybe I'm too fat.

Maybe she doesn't love me anymore.

She left me alone because I'm ugly.

That's what she did in my nightmare.

She left me.

Just like when I was younger.

It's the same nightmare almost every night.

I'm scared it'll become a reality again.

Please come home.

I tried my best to be what you wanted me to be.

I'll never be enough.

I deserve to be hit again.

I deserved everything that happened to me.

I've done nothing but disappoint the one person I'm trying to impress.

"Of course she left you. You're not the perfect daughter." I sniffled angrily.

Suddenly I had heard the front door open.

Billie's POV

I entered the house as quietly as possible, trying my hardest not to wake Ariana up.

Unless she's already awake which I highly doubt but I'll check up in her just to make sure.

Leaving my keys at the front door, I walked over to Ari's door and knocked softly before eventually opening it all together.

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