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Lisa's POV

"What if we are all in someone's dream or someone's coma and they're the only reason we are alive. Maybe when we sleep they wake up. Maybe this world is a construct of their imagination and we're just toys they play with."

"You're starting to make me question reality." I said to Marilyn with a chuckle.

Marilyn came over today just to hang out. 

It's been a while since we talked.

We're both whores though I never really referred to her as a friend.

More like someone I just knew and called up whenever I needed a laugh.

I called her over just to catch up with each other.

Also, it's been pretty tough lately with the whole Billie situation so I thought I could use a friend.

"Our senses aren't that strong either compared to other things we have poor eyesight and hearing. There could be 10,000 more colors and we just can't see them, there could be aliens standing right next you but the human senses just can't pick it up. There could be worlds right next to ours and we just can't see it, there could be animals, different colored waters, more than one sunset, a whole different world in general all around us and we just can't pick it up or sense it because all of it isn't in our sensory range. Just saying."

She always did have a thing for blowing my mind.

Marilyn is just like her mom.

Always into conspiracy theories and shit like that.

"You're crazy, Marilyn." I laughed as I ate my bowl of dry cereal.

She giggled and continued doing her makeup.

"So, tell me. Anything exciting happen to you lately?" She asked curiously.

I would be lying if I said no but god knows that would be so much to explain.

"Other than get fat and watch cartoons all day long, no." 

"Lisa shut up, you're one of the most beautiful women I know. A girl like you is a total babe magnet."

I blushed and shook my head.

"You're one to talk. You look like a literal angel."

"Nothing compared to you though."

This girl, I swear.

I was about to make a smart come back when suddenly, the door bell rang.

"Did you order food?" I asked her.

She gave me a confused look and shook her head no.


Getting out of my bed, I left my room and went downstairs to see who it was.

I unlocked the door and opened it.

I was immediately greeted by a tired looking Billie.

Either she hasn't slept in days, she's really high, or she's been crying.


She cut me off as she pressed her lips against mine, her hands roaming through my hair while the rain had gotten the both of us wet.

I kissed her right back, letting my hands tangle in her wet, blue hair as her hands went to my waist ; pulling me impossibly closer.

I didn't want this kiss to end.

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