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Lisa's POV

"Hello my babyyyyyyy." Billie said in a baby voice, walking up to me and hugging me.

I giggled and hugged her right back.

"Is there a reason you dragged me down to a studio at 10 o'clock at night just to watch you film a music video?" I chuckled.

"Yesh. I wanna take you on a date after dis."


I'm not sure if that's the best idea after the articles and pictures that came out but whatever she wants.

"Move, it's my turn." Ariana pulled Billie off of me and hugged me.

I chuckled and hugged her right back ; even tighter if possible.

"I missed you." She mumbled into the hug.

"I missed you more." I replied.

We pulled away and of course, Billie pulled me right back into her arms.

"Billie, we have to get you to hair and makeup." Laura mumbled from behind her.

She ignored her and continued kissing the top of my head.

"Go get ready because the sooner you get this done the sooner we can go on that date. And also I have to talk to you later."

"About what?"

"I guess you just have to find out, don't you?" I teased her.

It wasn't anything sexual.

Just something I've had on my mind for a little while.

Hopefully she says yes but it's fine if she says no.

I'll understand.

"Alright but come wif me cuz they're gonna use the black stuff in me eyes." She said in a weird accent, making me laugh softly.

"Okay." I agreed.

Walking with Billie, Maggie, Finneas, Ari, and some people who worked with her, we had gotten to her dressing room which displayed an all white outfit and a bunch of chains.

There were some snacks on the table in the corner of the room and mirrors alongside the walls.

"You're so famous."

"I know right." She joked.

I chuckled and sat down on the couch next to Ariana while Billie had her hair and makeup done.

Billie's POV

ari_grandee_033 : Is anyone else noticing she's losing a lot of weight? 👀👄👀 (Liked by beaniebaby666, grandebuteratingz and 206 others)

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ari_grandee_033 : Is anyone else noticing she's losing a lot of weight? 👀👄👀 (Liked by beaniebaby666, grandebuteratingz and 206 others)

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