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(Time Skip 12 years)

Ariana's POV : "Yo, wake the fuck up for school." I hear mom say as she throws open my door. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I slowly sit up and look at my clock. I let out a sigh as I lazily get out of my bed and walk into the bathroom to shower. "Ariana!" "Yeah!" I call back. No response. I sigh, putting my toothbrush down and walking into her room. "Yes?" I ask. "Your walking to school, I got shit to do." She mumbles as some girl puts on one of her hoodie's. "I usually do." I mumble to myself.

"Excuse me?" "Nothing." I quickly save myself from getting hit. Walking back into the bathroom down the hall, I take my shower and brush out my hair ; making myself look as presentable as possible. After I finish doing that, I put on my school uniform and walk into the kitchen. We don't really have any food to eat so I usually just drink some water or eat some dry cereal. "Hi," The random girl in moms hoodie smiles slightly. "Hi." I say uncomfortably. It's a different girl almost everyday.

Opening the fridge I see an old apple, a water jug and a random slice of cheese. I sigh before closing the fridge and grabbing a cup from the cupboard. "Are you hungry sweetie?" The lady asks. "No she's not. You need to leave." Mom walks in the kitchen. "Alright, call me?" "Oh for sure." Mom winks before leading her out the house. I haven't eaten in a couple of day's so I am a little hungry. "Didn't I fucking tell you not to talk to these bitches when you see them?"

"Yes." I mumble. I didn't even talk to her but I wasn't about to fight with her. "Do I have to teach you a fucking lesson again?" "No." I stand there in fear. She grabs her drink from the counter, pushing me out of the way and walking back to her room. As I hear her door close I stick my tongue out in an anger before letting out a huff. I don't think my friend's mom's are as mean to them as mom is to me. I sigh while grabbing my backpack from the counter and walking over to her room. 

"What!" I hear her shout as I knock on her door. "Makeup." I remind her. I hear her huff as she walks over to the door and opens it. She takes me into the bathroom and sits me on the counter. "Arm out." She says as she takes the makeup bag out of the sink cabinet. I hold my bruised arm out for her as she starts to cover it up. "Other arm." I obey and hold out my other bruised arm. "Stop being a little shit and I wont have to do this anymore." She says, covering my last bruise. "Stop drinking and we wouldn't have this problem." I mumble. Wrong choice.

"You really testing me today huh?" Before I could respond, she pushes me down from the counter, making me fall on the floor. "Talk back to me again bitch, try me." She kicks me in my stomach, making a tear escape my eye. She then pulls me up by my arm and slamming me against the wall. "Stop! I'm sorry!" I cry at the pain. "Now get the fuck up and go to school." She grits through her teeth. "GO!" She shouts as she see's i'm not moving. I quickly got up and left her room. I would rather die than feel this pain.


"Who here can tell me what distributive property is?" Mrs. Willer asks the class. No one raising their hand but me. "Ariana?" She calls on me. "It means to divide something or share a part of something. According to the distributive property, multiplying the sum of two or more addends by a number will give the same result as multiplying each addend individually by the number and then adding the products together. For example, calculating 8 × 27 can made easier by breaking down 27 as 20 + 7 or 30 − 3."

"Very good Ariana, would anyone else like to add on?" The class stays silent. 7th grade math really isn't that bad, they need to step up their game. All of a sudden, the loud bell rings, signaling for us to go to our next class. "Don't forget that your homework is page 23, unit 2.9!" Mrs. Willer shouts after the class as we all leave the classroom. "Wait! Ms. O'Connell may I have a word with you please?" She asks me. I nod my head and walk up to her desk.

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