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Lisa's POV : "Billie, p-please stop." I whimper as Billie forces her whole ten inches inside of me. "Quit whining you fucking slut!" She continues pounding into me, going harder and harder with each thrust. How did we end up like this? 'I promise to love you forever and ever and treat you like the queen you are' is what she said in our wedding vows. I'm sick and tired of being treated like a whore every night. I felt my baby kick as she thrusted even harder, a tear sliding down my cheek.

Billie doesn't know that i'm pregnant and I'm scared to death to tell her. I don't wanna get beat again. This all started when she started drinking a couple of years ago. It started with yelling at me for the littlest things like not doing the dishes or not cooking dinner for her. Then it escalated quickly to beating me until I was either bleeding or unconscious. I wanna go back to the way things were. Where she didn't cheat on me almost every night. Where she didn't degrade me or the way I look every chance she got. Where she actually loved me.

"Shit I'm gonna cum- fuck, fuck, fuck," Pulling out, she lets out a satisfied groan as she cums on my back. No use in that if you've already got me pregnant. "YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU WERE ON YOUR PERIOD YOU FUCKING GROSS BITCH!" Billie quickly pushes me down onto the bed. "No Billie it's not that, I-" Before I could continue, she smacks me across my face, her rings adding to the pure pain on my cheek. "I swear to god Lisa if you start fucking crying i'm gonna give you something to cry about." She warns.

I try as hard as possible to hold back my tears but it's no use. "What did I just fucking say!" Billie shouts at me as she notices the tears on my cheeks. I can't do this anymore. "Billie I'm pregnant!" The room goes dead silent, scaring me to death. "Your what?" "I said I'm pregnant." I mumble. All of a sudden, she quickly lifts me up from the bed, pinning me against the wall harshly. "If your lying to me I swear to fucking god-" "I'm not." I cut her off. Her forehead touching mine, she looks down slightly, observing my three month small baby bump.

"Fuck bro." She mumbles under her breath. Please don't hit me. "How long?" She asks, referring to how long I've been pregnant. "Three months." She's silent for a while before hesitantly letting go of my wrists but still keeping me against the wall. "God what the hell am I doing?" She whispers to herself, a tear escaping her eye. Doing the completely unexpected, she wraps her arms around my small body frame, giving me the first hug I've had from her in years. Not fighting it, I wrap my arms around her as well, finally letting out my tears. "I promise I'll try to be better for you and the baby." She whispers while lightly stroking my hair. 

That was an empty promise made 9 months ago seeing as I'm due today and Billie isn't even here. She's "out" right now as if I didn't know that she's with some whore cheating on me for the millionth time. It doesn't hurt me anymore knowing that she doesn't love me. If it wasn't for me being pregnant right now I would've killed myself years ago. "I'm home!" I hear Billie shout from the front door. We live in a two bedroom apartment on the first floor. We don't have a lot of money- actually none at all at the moment but we do try. "I'm in the room!" I shout back.

Hearing her footsteps coming from down the hallway, she walks into the room with a hickey covered neck and messed up hair. Never mind, it still hurts. "Come here real quick?" She asks while standing in the door frame. I do as she says and walk up to her. "You know I love you right?" She lightly tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. The last time she said that was four years ago. I nod my head, staying silent. "Why aren't the dishes done?" She asks, her eyes turning a slightly darker shade of blue as her hand makes it's way around my throat. "I-I couldn't do it because my stomach was hurting." I whimper.

"My stomach hurts every time I see you but you don't see me complaining do you? Now go do the damn dishes before I hurt you just like yesterday." She says, referring to how she beat me senseless last night for accidentally dropping the last of our milk. I quickly nod my head, not wanting it to happen again. She lets go of her tight grip on my neck, walking over to the bed and going on her phone. As I walk to the kitchen I suddenly felt a liquid dripping down my leg. Oh shit.

 A/N : I made it this short on purpose :) N E wayz, what'd ya think of the first chapter? I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <33

 A/N : I made it this short on purpose :) N E wayz, what'd ya think of the first chapter? I love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu <33

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