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Billie's POV

I cheated on my wife.

Yet again.

I don't know how to feel right now.

I don't think I have the right to feel anything towards this situation.

I was so blacked out last night.

Come to find out I was laughing so hard I pissed my pants and Quinn had to take me to a room upstairs and change me out of my piss soaked sweats.

So she helped me cheat on my wife and then took care of me afterwards. Nice.

I seriously want to know what the fuck her game is here.

"B, come on it's not that big a deal. It happens. I've cheated on my bitch before." Denzel rubbed my back, trying to somehow make me feel better about the situation.

"How does that help anything." I stared at him blankly.

"It's not supposed to help. He's relating to you, B. You guys are bonding." Diego laughed at the two of us.

I groaned and shoved my head into my hands. "What the fuck am I supposed to do?"

"About what?"

"The fuck do you mean about what? I got shit faced at a party last night and the goddamn twins have video footage of me with my tongue down Quinn's throat and sniffing blow as if I prefer it over oxygen. If my managers find out about this- Hell, if my parents find out about this, I'm dead. Fuck my album, fuck my life, and fuck everything else I've ever cared about. I broke my goddamn sober streak so there's that, my wife is pissed at me, and if my-" I stopped before I could out myself about having a daughter.

"I just don't know what to do, man." I sighed.

I cant let Ariana know I relapsed.

It would break her and it would break me.

"Want my advice?" Diego offered.
"Hell fucking no. Go somewhere."

"Man just listen. I'mma try and get the twins to delete the videos. But regarding your bitch-"
"My wife." I emphasized.

"Your wife.. Regarding her, I personally think you should like.. Let her know what went down last night. If she loves you she'll understand. I mean, as far as I know, she stayed when you was beating on her, right? What makes you think a lil relapse is gonna shake her? She gon  be aii." Diego shrugged it off with ease.

I wish it were that simple.

I wish I could say that I didn't like what happened last night.

I wish I could go back in time and stop it from happening at all.

I regret relapsing. But I'd by lying if I said feeling that buzz again didn't feel like heaven on earth.

It's not worth it if it means cheating on my wife though.

"It's not the relapse that has me worried, yo. It's the cheating. I'm confident that given my actions from last night, she's well aware that I was drugged the fuck up. What she doesn't know is that I had my tongue down Quinn's throat and my hands on her ass. The fuck am I supposed to do?"

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