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(one year later)

Ariana's POV : "Mom have you seen my hair brush!" I shout from my room. "I think it's in Frankie's room!" Ugh, Frankie's always stealing my stuff. Walking into Frankie's room, I see him putting on his makeup with my hairbrush right next to him. "Frankie how many times have I told you to stop stealing my stuff?" I ask with a huff, taking it from him. "Sorry." He chuckles. I have my audition today for a nickelodeon show called Victorious. I'm super nervous to say the least. I was supposed to dye my hair red for the part which I've already done so now I just have to audition and hope for the best.

"Babydoll come eat something, you haven't eaten breakfast yet." Nona says to me as I walk into the kitchen. "Good morning to you too nona." I giggle, placing a kiss on her forehead. Even though mom adopted me, this still feels like real family. I was put into the system a couple of weeks after mom left me and I didn't think anyone would want to adopt a teenager but clearly I was wrong. "Here, I made ya some eggs and toast." Nona smiles, placing a plate in front of me with eggs and toast on it. "Thank you nona." I chuckle.

After I finished eating and brushing my teeth, I had Frankie do my makeup. It was very little but still, it covers up some of my acne scars. "Your gonna kill your audition, I just know it." Frankie smiles. "I hope so." I chuckle nervously. "How do I look?" I sigh, getting up from his chair. "Fabulous." Of course he would say that. "Alright let's go because we don't want Ariana to be late." Mom walks into the room. "Kk. Hold on though." I chuckle.

ArianaGrande : Audition today, had to dye my hair red for it LOL! Wish me luck 🤞😅 (Liked by suzpolakoff, lexie1225 and 106 others)

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ArianaGrande : Audition today, had to dye my hair red for it LOL! Wish me luck 🤞😅 (Liked by suzpolakoff, lexie1225 and 106 others)


suzpolakoff : Love love love your hair!

courtneychipolone : Good luck cuzzo! 💟💟

notnjomza : Wishing you all the luck in the world beautiful 💙

taylaparx : your hair is gorgeous 😍

Veiw more comments...


We finally arrived at the audition place and I saw a bunch of other girls there with red hair just like mine and of coure, people there auditioning for other roles. "Good luck sis, we'll be in the other room." Frankie gives me a quick side hug before leaving me with a room full of professional actors. 

"Alright, I'm assuming your all here to audition for a role in our new show Victorious, please take your shoes off, when Dan calls your name you'll go into a room with some of the writers and you'll audition, got it!" Some guy with the word "crew" written on his shirt says.

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