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arianagrande : New video on theslap

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arianagrande : New video on theslap.com up now!😆💖💖 New season of Victorious coming on Tuesday, following @DanSchnieder 's tweet, write on the bottom of your foot, take a pic and use #SEASON3VICTORIOUSTUESDAY to be featured in the end credits! Good luck babes! 😘 (Liked by lizgillz, DanSchnieder and 867,905 others)

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"You okay, sweetheart?" Billie's mom asked.

She was driving me back to their house since I was finished... with Dan.

Also, Billie was busy with her brother. Something about a song, I don't really care.

"Yeah. Just miss my best friend."

"Would you like to visit her?"

"Nah, she lives far away. South Hollywood. Takes her a while to even get to work let alone get back home. Visiting her is just out of the question. Before all this happened, my mom used to let her sleep over all the time so hanging out wasn't really a problem. She practically lived with me." I smiled slightly at the thought of her.

"How long have you guys been friends?" She asked, stopping at a red light.

"Since I was 12. We were in a musical together on Broadway and sometimes when Billie was passed out, I would sneak out and go to the movies with her." I chuckled.

Saying that out loud sounds kinda messed up but what part of my life isn't messed up.

She hummed in response and continued driving.

I love how uncomfortable I make people.

"S-so umm... what was it like raising Billie?" I questioned, wanting to change the subject.

"Haha, definitely an experience. She was a difficult little one, but adorable nonetheless. Her and Finneas were inseparable. If Billie was told to do anything alone she would throw a fit or start crying because she wanted to do it with Finneas. Oh, and you cant forget her Justin Bieber obsession."

"Wait- she was obsessed with Justin Bieber?" I laughed in disbelief.

She laughed along and agreed. "Yeah, it was so bad. I mean, we thought we would have to take her to therapy because it was really that bad. Like she actually thought they were a couple."

Oh wowwwwwwww.

"Y'know I actually met him once."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah. We were filming season two of Victorious and Dan had told me like 'Justin's here for the teen choice awards' and I felt like I was about to faint. Like I was hardcore Bieber. Anyways, Dan didn't tell any of us that he was gonna come on set because like, Dan is full of surprises. He always is." I giggled. 

"Anyways, what I was unaware of was that Dan and him were actually really good friends. So he comes on set with Justin and I'm not really one to show that much emotion. I'm usually really expressive with my words so when he came in I wasn't really like 'oH mY goD jUsTiN biEbeR' it was more so just me being shocked the entire time. But yeah, I met him, he signed my hand but it washed off after a couple of days." 

Maggie was a really easy person to talk to, surprisingly. Considering who her daughter is, I would've thought she'd be just like her.

"Hahaha, Billie would've loved that. She still loves him just as much as she did when she was 11 but it's more... healthy now." Maggie chuckled softly.

I didn't really peg Billie for a Belieber. She's more of a team Breezy kinda girl if you know what I mean.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course dear."

"...How did Billie turn into... what she became. Like... abusive. Did you know about it?" I asked curiously.

"Well as much of a surprise as this may be, I didn't even know she had a kid until last year when she came back to us. She had been going through a lot as a teenager but I had no idea she had turned to drugs until that one day when I found some in her dresser after cleaning her room.

She said she would stop after that and that she was sorry so I forgave her. But then she started getting more aggressive with us, shouting, getting more violent. We tried to get her to go to therapy but she refused or ignored us.

I didn't really know what to do at that point but we tried our best.  I think a about a month or two later Billie started acting a little happier so when I asked her what's got her in such a good mood she revealed to us that she had gotten a girlfriend who you probably know as Lisa." Okay, everyone keeps talking about this Lisa chick, who the fuck is she?

"Anyways, we were all really happy for her, we all loved Lisa, she was such a darling. You look a lot like her too." Maggie smiled.

I've never even seen the bitch but okay.

"About a year into dating and Billie announced they were engaged. Patrick and myself were a bit surprised at how soon it was but happy for her nonetheless. They get married and all of a sudden, Billie cuts everyone off. Me, Patrick, Finneas. Everyone.

I got worried because she wouldn't answer any of my calls - or anyone's for that matter. But one of her friends, I think you've met him already, Jahseh, he let us know that she was okay and that she had moved out to Chicago with Lisa. I was honestly just happy she was safe.

Anyways, we hadn't heard from her or Lisa since then. I don't really know what happened after that but years later she came back to us and here you are." Maggie sighed, pulling up in front of the house.

It was the drugs.

If she had just stopped, she wouldn't have treated me like that.

She didn't want to.

The drugs turned her into a whole other person.

It-... It wasn't her fault.

I've been giving her so much crap about it being her fault and it's not even like that.

Thinking back on it, when she was sober she was nicer.

When I fainted that one time, she picked me up and put me right back to bed.

She told me she loved me...

Oh my god.

I'm the bad guy here.

A/N : here's Lisa lol { p.s, she's not dead lol ;) }

s, she's not dead lol ;) }

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