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Billie's POV : "Yo, you good in there?" I ask because she didn't really finish her sentence. "Ariana," Still no response. I tried to open her door but it was locked. "Ariana Grande Butera I swear to fucking god I will break this damn door down if you don't fucking answer me." No answer. She's really testing me today huh? 

Breaking the door down, I walked into her room only to see her passed out on the floor without any clothes on. Jesus fuck bro. Grabbing a blanket from her bed, I wrap it around her small body and lift her up, carrying her over to her bed. How the hell did she even pass out? 

"Yo, wake the fuck up." I say as I push her slightly. She stays silent. Whatever, she'll wake up soon. Turning off the light, I leave her room and close the door behind me. I walk back into my room and see a bottle of vodka sitting on my dresser. Fuck it.

Grabbing the bottle, I open it and chug down as much as I possibly can. Damn this shit is good. I finished the bottle, throwing it in the trash. "Oh shit, I forgot about this." I chuckle, looking at lisa's "bOx oF mEmOrY'S." God she was such a bitch, no wonder she's dead. 


Ariana's POV : I woke up with a pounding headache and a bloody forehead. Looking over at my clock I see that it's only 6:29 in the morning. "Jesus christ." I mumble to myslef, wiping some of the blood off of my forehead. What even happened? Why are my clothes off and how the heck did I end up in bed? All of a sudden I heard loud noises coming from mom's room. It's another woman.

I sigh as I quietly get up from my bed and walk over to my dresser, grabbing some clothes and putting them on. I really need to shower but if mom finds out i'm awake i'll get hit. I'll just try to be as quiet as possible and hope for the best. Tip toeing out of my room quietly with my towel in my hand, I successfully made it to the bathroom without getting caught.

My hair is really messy from when the men kept pulling on it. My cheeks are a little bruised as well from all the slapping they did when I wasn't "doing it right." I start to take my clothes off again and turn the water on, hoping I wasn't being too loud. Hopping in the shower, I immediately relaxed at the warm water hitting my back. I need to wash really really well this time to get all the blood off.

Billie's POV : I was letting this bitch suck me off when all of a sudden I heard the shower water turn on. This bitch has some nerve getting out of her room at all without my permission. I would've beat her ass right then and there but I was about to cum so she got lucky. "Faster you fucking slut." I grab her hair and push her down deeper until she reaches my base. 

"Oh fuck yes," I moan as I hold her there for a little. She moans onto my dick, making me come closer and closer to the edge. "Shit your gonna make me cum," Only seconds after, I finally released directly down her throat. "Swallow like a good girl." I demand. "Yes daddy." She obeys, swallowing all of my cum.

"Who's daddy's dirty little cum slut?" I ask with a smirk. "I am daddy, I'm your dirty little cum slut." She's one of my favorites. Always obedient and knows what she's doing. "Good girl." I praise. After a little while, I kicked her out the apartment, getting bored of her presence. Looking over to the bathroom door I see that the light is now off and Ariana's door is locked.

Ariana's POV : I was brushing out my hair for school when mom walked into my room. "Your not going to school today, we got shit to do." She says as she does something on her phone. "But-" "Try to talk back and see what happens." She warns. I didn't want to get beat so I just kept my mouth shut. I don't wanna get touched again. Is there anybody else who's mom does this?


We both got in the car and I buckled my seatbelt. "Here." She mumbles, handing me a small fries from McDonald's. I was starving at this point and still felt really light headed so of course, I took it. "Thank you." She nods her head and starts to drive. They're cold but I'm not complaining at all. Any food was better than no food at all.

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