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(two and a half years later)

Ariana's POV : "Go faster you fucking whore!" This guy spat at me as I was riding him. Doing as he demanded, I went faster. "You know what, you were a waste of my fuckin money, get the hell outta here." He shoves me off of him, pushing me to the floor. I'm pretty used to it now. It's routine basically. Putting my clothes on as fast as possible, I got paid, left the house and got back in the car with mom as fast as possible. "Only thirty bucks? Are you fucking kidding me Ariana?" She says angirly. "Sorry." I mumble.

I do what I fucking can and she still isn't proud of me. How many bruises do I have to get until I can put a smile on her face? How many guys can I fuck until she doesn't see me as a disgrace? "If your getting lazy on me I swear to god I'll make you work ten times harder." She grits through her teeth. God Ariana your so fucking lazy. I'll try harder next time.

We drove back home in silence and obviously, my stomach started growling very loudly. I hadn't eaten in two months. The only thing I've had is water and a carton of milk from school time to time. I've been fine though, I'm finally starting to get a little skinny. I think mom would like it if I was skinny. The boys would like it too.

Billie's POV : I was driving back home when I noticed her stomach was growling even louder than before. She hasn't eaten in two months but I thought she was eating at school until her teachers called me and told me they were "concerned about her weight." She's a literal stick right now and when they sent me her newly updated weight and height papers I noticed that her weight was 79 pounds. A fourteen year old that's 79 pounds. "You want something to eat or what?" I break the silence, causing her to flinch a little.

"No thank you." For fucks sake. "Your eating something wether you like it or not." I say harshly. After a little bit of driving in silence, I pulled up to McDonald's and bought her some fries. I handed it to her but she just stared at it with a scared look in her eyes. "Fuck are you just staring at it for? Eat it." All of a sudden, she breaks down crying. Is she seriously crying over some fucking fries right now?

"Please mom. I don't wanna get fat." She sobs quietly, her hands shaking like crazy. Is she serious? She is the skinniest mother fucker on earth and she's worried about getting fat? "Eat the goddamn fries before I shove them down your fucking throat." I grit through my teeth. She sobs even harder and picks up a fry, holding it up to her mouth. "I can't mom!" She cries. "God fucking damn it, I didn't pay for that shit for nothing so you have three seconds to eat it or I'll beat you until your unconscious now pick one."

She shakily picks up a fry again and finally places it in her mouth. I continued driving home and she actually finished all her fries. "Let's go." I mumble, getting out of the car. She got out of the car as well but as soon as she did, she started to throw up. For fucks sake. This went on for a little while until she eventually finished.

Ariana's POV : I expected her to hit me when we got inside but she didn't. I just wasted three dollars worth of fries and she didn't hit me. "Room. Now." She demands. I obeyed and went to my room without question. Taking my phone out from under my pillow, I opened my contacts and clicked on Jah's contact. It was no secret that I had developed a crush on him over the past couple of years. Of course, I was underage and he knew that so, we're both waiting till I turn 18 to even try anything but he's been respectful to me this whole time and I'm grateful for that.


Hey, you didn't ask for me today :(

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