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Billie's POV

"Fuck Billie, I'm gonna cum!"

So do it bitch, goddamn. Why the hell is it taking you so long.

"Me too." I fake moaned.

A couple thrusts later and she was squirting on the bed sheets.

I pulled out right after, immediately becoming soft.

She was out of breath and sweaty as hell.

To make matters worse, she lied right next to me, being as close as possible.

"Did you cum?" She questioned.

"Yeah, sure." I mumbled under my breath.

I wanna go home back to Ariana.

Oh shit- I have plans.

I was gonna kill myself.... Well that's fun.

I guess I should text them or leave a note or something..

"Alright, I'm gonna head out."

"You don't wanna stay the night?" She pouted, trying to convince me to stay.

"Nah, I have some songs I have to work on with Finneas." I mean, I sort of do but I'm not gonna finish it if I'm dead.

"K. I love you, babe."

"Love you too."


Finneas POV

"Ooh, I really like that run, can we do it again?" Ariana suggested.

"Sure." I said, playing back the track and having her re-do the run she had just did.

"All I'm tryna say is you're my everything, baby." She sang once again.

"Alright, play it back- I know we did it a couple times and it's gonna sound like a mess but I just wanna hear it all together."

I played it back all together again and honestly, it sounded amazing.

For her to be Billie's daughter, she got one of the strongest yet softest voices I ever heard.

Especially that high note at the end? Those are some fresh, healthy vocal cords.

It baffles me how they didn't let her showcase this on Victorious.

At first I was just working on this new song Bil and I were sort of making, just adding in some ad libs and whatnot.

But when Ari came in and told me that she wanted to make an album.... well I cant just let some other producer go all willy nilly on something she wants to sound like perfection.

And to achieve perfection it requires a perfectionist.

AKA, me.

"Hey, Ari?"

"Hm?" She hummed in response.

"Who are your musical influences? Like people you look up to and sort of try to emulate in your music?"

"Ummm... Brandy Norwood really influences my runs but I think when it just comes to like- regular vocals it's pretty much like Madonna, Destiny's child, Fergie, Christina Aguilera, India Arie, Imogen Heap, Amy Winehouse, and Mariah Carey."

That makes so much sense.

"Yeah, I think that if you-" I stopped talking as soon as I saw I had a text from Billie.

"One sec," I mumbled.

Bil ❤️

Bro I wanna die


And this is new information how?

Bil ❤️

No like i'm deadass just gonna fucking do it. Call Zoe and Drew, tell them that I love them and that I'll miss them. Tell mom and dad I'm sorry. And tell Ariana that I'm sorry i fucked her up so bad. With the shit I've done, I don't even deserve to exist right now. And tell Jah not to touch my fucking shoes.


Wait, Bil think about this please


I understand you feel bad about everything you've done. I know. I get that. But you've left Ariana once. Please don't do it again. To hell with all of us, stay here for your kid. Your daughter. The girl who needs you the most. Please, Bil? Where are u rn? I'll come pick you up

Bil ❤️

I'm sorry.... but I'm not sorry

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