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A/N : play the song when I tell you too, pls and thank you 🖤

(One week time skip)

Ariana's POV : "ARIANAAAAA!" Frankie screams my name from his room. "I'm busy!" I shout back. It was silent for a moment until I heard footsteps coming towards my room. "Do you know what busy means? Or maybe you couldn't read the words 'do not disturb' on my door?" I ask as he lets himself into my room. "Guess what?" "What?" I sigh. It better be important because I was catching up with some old friends.

He hands me his phone, pulling up Dan Schneider's Nickelodeon callback list for Victorious. "Liz Gillies, Matt Bennett, ARIANA GRANDE!!!" I squel, giving Frankie the biggest hug ever. "I told you that you would get the part!" He exclaims.

"Well we don't know I got the part for sure, these are just callbacks but so far I know I'm in the game." I smile. I can't believe I got a callback. Me. An amateur actor and singer who hasn't even had proper training. "When are the callbacks?" I ask. He grabs his phone and checks the date. "Tomorrow so be ready." Fuck I'm nervous again. "Alright, thank you Frankie." "Nu uh, what are you doing? We're gonna go out and celebrate!" He exclaims, pulling me up from my bed.

"No Frankie I really don't want to, I have a lot to do tonight." I sigh. "Like what?" "Like..." I struggled to come up with an excuse not to go out until coincidentally, my phone started to ring. "Leave, I gotta take this." I smile. He rolled his eyes and left my room. "Hello?" "YOU GOT A CALLBACKKKK!" Liz screams through the phone, filled with pure excitement. "Jesus your gonna make me go deaf." I chuckle. "Sorry but holy shit you got a callback!" "So did you!" I exclaim. "I know! We're all going out to celebrate and your coming with us."

"Depends, who's gonna be there?" I ask suspiciously. "Matt, Leon, Daniella, Avan, Me and you. Are you coming or not?" I guess I could go but I really just wanted to sleep. "Sure, where are we going?" I sighed. "Well since none of us are exactly the richest people on earth we're all going to Ihop to eat pancakes for dinner." Breakfast for dinner? "Sure I'll be there, what's the address?" "Oh I'll pick you up don't worry, where do you live?" She asks.

"1195 east 777 cherry Street." Alright, I'll be there in a few, in the meantime wear something pretty." "Who am I dressing up for?" I was just gonna wear a hoodie and some leggings. "For me now go get ready." And with that, she hangs up the call. Wear something pretty. I'm wearing a hoodie, fuck whatever she says. I'll just brush out my hair and put on some makeup and I'm good to go. "Frankie can you come do my makeup pleaseeeee!" I shout loud enough so he can hear me from his room. He walked into my room with his makeup bag already prepared.

After he finished doing my face, I made my red hair look somewhat presentable enough to go out. "Pretty enough I guess." I sigh to myself in the mirror. All of a sudden, I got a text from Liz.


You better be wearing something pretty


And if I'm not 😗


Lemme see what your wearing


lol no


I hate you


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