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(One Week Later)

Ariana's POV


"I'm sorry, Ariana. It wasn't my decision. The shows cancelled and that's that. We'll send you your last paycheck but I'm afraid Victorious is no more." Scooter said over the phone.

My heart fell to my stomach.

Victorious is cancelled.

We literally JUST started filming season three.

This is bullshit.

Victorious is my life.

And I have a feeling that the cancellation is because of one person and one person only.

"But there's and upside to this. We got the confirmation from Dan and Sam And Cat is still on for airing. We start shooting next year."

Oh thank god.

I guess my life's not completely over.

"What am I supposed to do in the mean time?" I asked.

"Well your single 'Put Your Hearts Up' wasn't really doing to well on the charts but maybe we can work on shedding this 'good girl Cat Valentine' thing you got going on and let people see who Ariana Grande is. I could get you signed with a record label, we could talk about making a possible album. Whatchu think?"

Shedding the Cat Valentine character... I like the sound of that.

Don't get me wrong, Cat will always be a big part of my life but... I wanna be me.

"Wait- I still have to shoot Sam and Cat. How am I gonna shed the Cat Valentine character if I'm still gonna be her?" I asked with disappointment.

"Well if the request for an album goes well, we'll work on the album during this year so that next year the album can be out and Dan cant get mad at you for breaking character when technically, you were fired and it's your image."


That sounds like a good plan.

"Scooter, I feel like I'm being selfish. What's gonna happen to the rest of the cast? Liz, Leon, Matt... what about them?"

"They'll work out their own problems. We're focused on you right now, Ariana. We're gonna make you a big star, yes?" 

"Yes." I mumbled.

"Perfect. I'll keep you updated and I'll take care of everything. In the meantime, just relax and enjoy your time off. Bye-"

"Wait. Why was the show cancelled in the first place?" I asked.

"Well this wasn't completely confirmed but rumor has it Victoria wanted to do a solo tour instead of a cast tour to promote her new album. Listen, I really gotta go but I'll talk to you later."

And with that, he hung up the call.



A show that practically made me who I am... Is gone.

I gotta say something about this.

arianagrande : To my amazing cast members @lizgillz @mattbennett @jogia @leonthomas @rexpowers @daniellamonet and so so so many other people that are just as important to me

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arianagrande : To my amazing cast members @lizgillz @mattbennett @jogia @leonthomas @rexpowers @daniellamonet and so so so many other people that are just as important to me. Thank you. Thank you for such a wonderful and absolutely unforgettable experience with working on the show Victorious. There are no words that can describe how heart broken I am due to the shows cancellation. I'm truly at a loss for words. Victorious is and always will be such a huge part of my life. Cat Valentine is a character that'll haunt me until my end days 😅 but nonetheless I have nothing but gratitude and love for the family and friends I have made on this set. To @danschneider , I love you so much. You saw something in me and gave me the experience of a lifetime. I honestly don't think I could ever thank you enough. Because of you, I am where I am today. The love in my heart for you and the rest of the cast is everlasting. For all my Cat Valentine lovers (which I know there are a lot of you haha) Cat's saga will live on in the spin off called Sam & Cat! Hopefully coming soon 😉 I'm so so sorry from the bottom of my heart. This was not my choice nor was it anyone else's. It was a surprise for all of us. I love you so much and don't forget about the show that hopefully made your childhood ❤️. (Liked by danschneider, leonthomas and 935,017 others)


rexpowers : I'll miss u, little red 😔

arianaeditorrr : not u cropping out vic- LMAOSMKAKOSNA

jennettemccurdy : Cant wait to work with you!

fvckingpeanutbutter243 : NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

victoriajustice : I'll miss you guys 😭😣😥

arianagrande's reply to victoriajustice : its your fault. we could've did a cast tour but you decided to go solo. the show would still be on if you weren't so selfish

arianagrande deleted their comment

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"Billie!" I called for her.

I really needed to talk to someone right now.

No response.

"Billie!!" I shouted even louder.

This house really isn't that big, how can she not hear me?


im calling u....


Sorry, I'm out right now. Whatchu need mama?


never mind

Read 12:06 AM

Billie's POV

I put my phone back in my pocket and continued waiting for 'Lisa.'

I'm really skeptical on whether this is actually her or not.

Lisa died.

There's no way in hell someone could just come back to life like that and be texting my daughter as if nothing hap-



stay maddddddd

stay maddddddd

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