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Lisa's POV

The Christmas night had ended and Billie was currently putting Ari to bed.

I was in her car where she told me to wait for her.

This night had been absolutely astonishing.

Ari loved the gifts I gave her, Billie bought a fucking mansion.. This night just feels so surreal.

"Alright, Ariana is asleep and now I can take my babygirl to her new home." Billie sighed as she got into the car.

Poor thing, she looks exhausted herself.

Though it has been a long night.

"Billie.. You didn't-" "If you say I didn't have to do what I did I'm gonna fuck some sense into you, mama." She started up her car and began to drive.

I held back my smile, "You didn't have to do what you did, babe."

She shifted her gaze from the road in front of her to my own eyes instead ; no faster than I could look away.

I knew what I had set myself up for.

But hey, we're supposed to be trying for a baby here. No harm in trying again tonight.

"Alright so when I fuck up your insides later on, I don't wanna hear no 'Oh Billie, I can't take it anymore!' 'Billie, oh Billie, it's too much!" She whined while mocking my voice during sex.

"Fuck you." Were the only words I could get out as I tried not to laugh but it was apparent in my voice that I was going to.

"That's my job, princess. Not yours."

She's so fucking smooth with everything she does.

I hate it but I love it.

"You trying to turn me on right now? Or are you just usually this annoying?"

"Both.. Yeah probably both." She grinned proudly.

She's so cocky.

Then again, I do enjoy feeding into that huge ego of hers.

Some time had passed with Billie's right hand rubbing my thigh up and down gently all the while I was looking out the window admiring the alluring LA night sky.

All of a sudden, Billie's phone notification had went off.

"Can you get that for me, mama? I'm driving."

"Mhm." I hummed in response, reaching in her pocket for her phone.

"Jesus- Chill out." She chuckled as my hand had gone a little deeper in her pocket than it should've.

I like to have my fun too.

I unlocked her phone and saw she had gotten a text.

My heart dropped immediately and my smile had slowly faded.

"Who is it?" She questioned.

"It's um.. Quinn. She says she needs your help with-" "Block her for me and delete her number, yeah?"


"I thought you two were on good terms though?" I spoke, clearly confused.

"Doesn't mean I owe her shit. She'll live without me. I got no business involving myself with her anymore."


She is so fucking hot right now.

"Kk." I muttered, doing as Billie said and blocking her.

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