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Ariana's POV

"So you guys are like... a thing again?" I asked Lisa and Billie.

Lisa nodded her head.

Well I just don't get it.

Billie abused her like it was the easiest thing on earth and Lisa still forgave her.

I'm not saying it's any different from my situation but like... How can you still be in love with someone after they almost killed you.

You can forgive but you cant forget.

But for some reason, Lisa made it so easy to forgive.

She shouldn't forgive so easily.

Next thing you know, history repeats itself.

But I do have to admit.... they look very in love.

Lisa was wearing Billie's hoodie while Billie had her arm around her.

I liked Lisa better than Quinn.

I could tell she made Billie really happy.

"Was I planned?" I asked, referring to me being conceived.

"Um... Yes and no."

"Well which one is it?"

"No." Billie mumbled.

Well that's nice.

"Are there any other family members you're hiding from me or is that all?"

"That's um... that's all."

"Well what about her side of the family?"

"My family's dead." Lisa said uncomfortably.

I muttered an apology, giving her my condolences.

"Billie, may I speak to you in private?" 

She got up from Lisa's side and walked into the kitchen with me.


"Why did you lie to me before?"


"When she dm'd me on Instagram. I asked you who it was you said you didn't know. Why did you lie to me?"

She sighed and leaned her head back on the fridge.

"In all technicality I didn't lie to you. I just wasn't sure if it was actually her."

"Oh and then you went behind my back like involving her in my life wasn't important?"

She had the audacity to lie to me like that, especially about something so important?


"I'm not saying I'm mad. I'm just saying I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't hide things from me like this again." I said.

"Okay. I'm sorry." She mumbled, walking over to me and pulling me in for a hug.

She kissed the top of my head and swayed us side to side gently.

"But other than that, what do you think of her?" She asked curiously.

"To soon to tell but... She seems pretty nice. I like her hair."

"You like her hair?"

"Mhm." I giggled.

"Well I'm glad you like her." Billie said, pulling away from the hug and kissing my forehead.

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